James v Harry

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Soon, every student at Hogwarts had heard what happened in Defense Against the Dark Arts: that Rodolphus Lestrange and Harry Fletcher had used dark magic in class. That Harry had dared attack the reigning Slytherin King. And most importantly — that Harry had won. Now, rumors were circling that Harry was the most powerful dark wizard in Hogwarts. And with Lestrange in the hospital wing for the unforeseen future, most students were starting to believe them.

As for the Marauders, they spent the the entire night in the library researching malum perdere and the students who used it. That Lestrange had used it wasn't a surprise to them; his father was a public supporter of You-Know-Who, and while the Marauders didn't like Lestrange, at least he was a known entity. Fletcher on the other hand was a wild card, and the more the Marauders learned about him, the sketchier he seemed.

The only thing they could find on the curse was in Spells for Every Encounter, an ancient dusty book that seemed like it was written about a million years ago. All that was written about it was that it existed and that it caused severe burns and scaring to the victim. There was no proper incantation, no wand movement, no instructions, and definitely no counter curse. How Fletcher knew such a spell was anyone's guess. Sirius maintained that Fletcher's "homeschooling" consisted more of "Death Eater 101" than standard curriculum, and, when Remus couldn't find Fletcher's name in the census records, even James had to admit that something was very off with the new Slytherin.

Now, 8AM in the morning found James sitting in a way-too-early prefect meeting, eyes smarting from lack of sleep, mind wandering, unable to stop thinking about Harry Fletcher the boy who didn't exist. How could he not be listed in the census records? It was impossible. Unless he wasn't who he said he was.

James frowned, leaning back in the cushy head-boy chair at the head of the table where he sat next to Lily, and scoured the room. The place was nearly full, with prefects, professors, and the headmaster all seated around a long mahogany table. Lily stood at the helm, giving a presentation on new prefect routes, her auburn hair tied up in a perfect ballerina bun, her presence kind but in charge. Professor Dumbledore sat to her right, merrily leaning back in a high backed baby blue chair and bobbing his beard in agreement every few seconds. James studied the headmaster for a moment. He had to know, right? Dumbledore wouldn't let a known Death Eater in their school. Right?

But even as the thought crossed James' mind, he considered everyone Dumbledore had allowed in the school. Lestrange, Snape, Avery, Mulciber. Even You-Know-Who himself had attended Hogwarts at some point, James reflected. No, Dumbledore was not infallible.

James gaze shifted past the two Hufflepuff prefects to the only empty seat. Slytherin, which sat empty because Lestrange had yet to be released from the hospital wing.

James glanced over at Remus, the Gryffindor prefect, who sat on the other side of the table. He sat up way too straight for this time of morning, his robes perfectly pressed and his dusty brown hair neatly combed back. James nearly rolled his eyes, though it was out of fondness more than anything. Ahh Remus. The overachiever. Remus had been up just as late as James and yet here he was, all bright and chipper. Feeling James' gaze, Remus glanced over and met his eyes. James tilted his head at the empty chair and Remus raised his eyebrows meaningfully. An entire day in the hospital wing? No wonder that curse was dark.

"—for all that you do. James?"

James quickly straightened and glanced up at Lily, who stared at him expectantly. Her face was pleasant, but her eyes began to glitter in a way that meant he had better start talking. James glanced at the room of prefects and professors, all staring at him, and cleared his throat.

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