Lestrange Gets Even

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A/N: Here's the next chapter! A little longer than usual but hey. Here you go.

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It was a quiet morning in the Slytherin dormitories, where Harry had chosen to shower early in avoidance of his housemates. For the first time in days, his heart felt light, his stomach wasn't twisted in dread, and he had slept through the night. The idea of facing his roommates made him cringe, but time with the Marauders had been worth it and he only braced himself as he walked back in to the snake's den, fully dressed.

Snape lay on his bed reading a book, curtains pulled back, completely ready for the day to Harry's surprise. It was like 7AM. He glanced up through bushy eyebrows at Harry's entrance. His face was impassive but his black eyes gave Harry the creeps.

Mulciber had clearly just woken up, as he stood just outside the curtains rubbing his eyes. Lestrange was standing in his closet, his robes neatly pressed and hanging from the door. At the sight of Harry, both of their eyes turned cold. The tension was palpable. Harry feigned confidence and walked straight to his trunk to pull out his school bag.

"Have a nice night with the Gryffindors?" Lestrange said, his voice casual but with a steel edge.

Harry froze in front of his trunk, his back to his roommates, heart pounding. How did they know? If they told anyone—

Taking a deep breath, Harry turned to them. "We covered this yesterday. Where I go is none of your business."

Lestrange opened his mouth to reply but Harry didn't give him the chance. He walked out of the room as fast as he could, praying Lestrange was bluffing.

On the other side of the castle, the Marauders were off to a slow start. James had just returned from showering and stood by his bed, a towel wrapped around his waist and his black hair still wet. A few meters away, Remus stood hidden in his closet getting ready and Peter sat lazily on his bed in hippogriff print pajamas. Sirius was still a lump under his blankets. Suddenly his alarm went off for the fiftieth time. James glared at the ceiling at the obnoxious sound.

"Padfoot!!" Remus growled. He grabbed a pillow from his bed and threw it at Sirius' head. It hit Sirius' back, but he only rolled over to hug it as his arm swung up to hit his clock on the head.

"M'up, 'm up," Sirius mumbled, face buried in the pillow.

"Liar." Remus retorted. James rolled his eyes at them as he walked to his closet to put on a shirt.

A few feet away, Peter slid off his bed and lifted the pack of butterbeers in the corner to reveal the box where they kept the Marauders Map. "I have a prank idea." He announced.

James glanced at him. "Yeah?"

Peter nodded. "I had a dream where shrimp were flying around the Great Hall and— wait. Where's the Map?"

Suddenly all eyes were on Peter (except Sirius, the sleeper).

"What do you mean, where's the Map." James said, frowning, a shirt in his hands. "It's in the box where it always is."

"No, it's not." Peter said, dropping the butterbeers loudly on the ground and showcasing the empty box.

James and Remus stared at it for a second in confusion. "Padfoot!" James called. "Where's the Map?"

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