Harry Breaks into Gryffindor Tower

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Harry couldn't believe he had forgotten something this simple.

The Marauder's Map. Of course.

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose and glanced up at Dumbledore. Had Dumbledore thought though sending him here at all? Harry certainly hadn't. He had been too starstruck to wonder about silly things like logistics.

Like how the Marauder's Map would say Harry Potter on it and ruin everything.

Or how Harry was ever going to get into the Marauders exclusive social club from freaking Slytherin house.

Harry ate dinner quickly and ran through his options. He could only see one.

He was going to break into the Marauders' dormitory and steal The Marauder's Map.

He could only hope it wasn't too late.

The Slytherin common room was humming with people as Harry stepped down the stairs from his dormitory one hour later. He had changed into standard black robes just in case someone saw him near Gryffindor tower and packed his invisibility cloak in his bag. Heart beating quickly, he glanced down at his watch. It was 7PM. Quidditch tryouts were starting. It was time to go.

Harry headed for the door. Unfortunately, he didn't make it very far.

"Well, if it isn't Fletcher." A voice rang behind Harry's shoulder. Mulciber. Harry stopped for a moment before turning around to take in the group of 7th year Slytherin boys. Mulciber stood at the forefront, arms folded, ready to start something. Lestrange casually leaned against the wall to his right. On the other side, Snape sneered down his nose at Harry, next to two rough looking guys Harry had learned earlier were named Avery and Wilks.

"Finally learned my name, did you?" Harry said in annoyance. Mulciber glowered and Harry stared at them all in irritation, about to turn around again.

Lestrange suddenly pushed himself off the wall to step towards Harry. "Where are your robes?" His prefect badge glittered on his breast and Harry had a feeling Lestrange liked it that way.

"On." Harry said, gesturing lightly with his hand.

"Your Slytherin robes." Lestrange ordered.

Harry gave him a look. "I don't answer to you."

The temperature in the room dropped three degrees. Mulciber shifted his stance and, as Harry's eyes landed on Snape, the black haired teenager looked away. And the remaining students in the common room all went silent, all staring at Lestrange and this strange new student who dared question the status quo.

Harry's eyes returned to Lestrange, whose eyes glittered dangerously. Harry got the feeling Lestrange didn't mind the confrontation.

"I am your prefect." Lestrange said, speaking loudly for his spectators' benefit, "And as such, you do, in fact," He slowed down, locking eyes with Harry, "answer," his wand was out, "to," he stepped closer, "me."

Lestrange had advanced, but Harry hadn't moved. He only stared back in irritation at the Slytherin prefect and, to everyone's shock, glanced at his watch.

"Unfortunately," Harry said, "My choice of robes is outside of your jurisdiction. And I have somewhere to be." Harry shifted to turn around, but he saw Lestrange lift his wand out of the corner of his eye, and he suddenly knew turning his back on this group was a bad idea.

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