When someones flirting with you

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Yuji Itadori

You went shopping with Nobara and Yuji, it was your only time to finally go shop for new things since you really needed new clothing.

While looking around for something nice you bump into someone.

Y/n: "I-im sorry I didn't mean to bump into you, are you okay?"

As the person turned around you immediately recognized him. It was your lovely ex (: it turned out he worked here and was putting some clothes away. nervous. He tried talking to you but you didn't want any of the conversation.

"So... are you seeing anyone at the moment Y/n?"

Y/n: "Well yeah at the moment..."

You where starting to feel very uncomfortable, you looked around the store trying to find Nobara and Yuji but they where no where to be found. He started to get touchy and grab your shoulder a little.

Y/n: "I need to go, ummm... I'll see you later?"

"Oh... that's fine, we'll maybe meet again soon."

He let go of your shoulder and let you walk off to find Yuji and Nobara. As you walked around you saw Yuji looking at some shirts.

Y/n: "Yuji!"

He turned your way greeting you with a smile.

Yuji: "I was going to go look for you, we're gonna check out right now. Did you find the things you wanted?"

Y/n: "Well I need to tell you something."

Yuji: "Sure, what's up?"

Y/n: "I saw my ex here.... he was being all touchy and I got really uncomfortable.."

His look became serious and told you just to stay close with him. The both of you where just waiting for Nobara to return. After a couple of minutes the both of you saw her with a enormous pile of clothes. The both of you knew poor Gojos card would drown in debt after this. While you guys were up next in line you saw your ex as the cashier. It made you nervous and feel like you just wanted to leave without your clothes.

As it was your turn he acted normal paying for your things until he popped up this question.

Ex: "So Y/n, do you think you'll be free on Saturday? I feel like it would be nice to hang out."

Before you could respond Yuji did it for you.

Yuji: "As they're caring and *cough* lovely, amazing handsome boyfriend she has plans on Saturday and the rest of the week. So no sorry (:."

He made himself loud enough for everyone in the store to hear which made you feel embarrassed.

Ex: "Well how about-"

Yuji: "She's gonna be busy all of the time so she never has free time. So please just don't worry about her plans she's just gonna be really occupied."

The cashier (Ex) sighed and read out your total.

Ex: "Your totals gonna be 5,789 dollars and 99 cents."

You and yujis soul just floated out of your bodies as soon as he said that.

Nobara: "Just pay of the things already Y/n, I wanna try them on as soon as we get back!"

You got Gojos card and paid for the things. Yuji and You had to carry Nobaras stuff which made it really hard to walk back.

The three of you finally got back feeling sore since everything was so heavy. When you walked back you your dorm you tried on your new clothes seeing they fit perfectly, then a knock was at your door.

Y/n: "Come in."

Yuji came in with a white T-shirt in his hands.

Yuji: "Hey Y/n! Just so you know I made you something <: I hope you like it."

He gave you the shirt seeing that Yuji wrote on the shirt with permanent marker. The shirt read, "Property of Yuji Itadori. Please return if missing (:"

It was a little sloppy but it made you giggle.

Yuji: "Now every time we go out you're going to wear it, and just to make you feel better I have one too."

Yuji: "Also... Y-you look nice with your new clothes and stuff.."

He blushed a little making your smile grow bigger.

Hello readers (:
I'm going to post Yujis for now and post the rest sooner or later, I thank all of you guys for being to patient with me and everything it truly makes me happy ❤😊
Please sleep well!

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