When someones flirting with you Part 2

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Satoru Gojo

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Satoru Gojo

Y/s/s=Your shoe size
(Sorry if it's confusing)

You where invited by gojo to go shopping for shoes at the mall since your old ones didn't fit you anymore. As you where shopping around while gojo was just sitting down in one of the chairs using his phone. While looking around you found a pair that looked nice enough to use for your uniform.

You grabbed the shoes and asked someone for help to see it there was any in your size, thankfully there was a worker near by.

Y/n: "Hi is there any of these shoes in Y/s/s?"

Worker: "Yeah just give me one second to find them for you."

The man smiled at you taking the shoe from your hand. You waited in the same spot so the man wouldn't look around for you. After a minute or two the man came up to you with the pair of shoes in your size.

Y/n: "Thanks so much!"

Worker: "it's not a problem really I do this everyday."

You tried it on and it fit perfectly, it also felt A LOT better than your old ones at home.

Worker: "Hey... I know we just met and all but do you think we can hang out sometime? I can give you my number."

You just kinda foroze for a second then went back into thought.

Y/n: "M-my number??"

Worker: "If it's not to much for you of course."

You turned your head to where Gojo was sitting but he wasn't there anymore, you started to feel more anxious and nervous as time went by.

Y/n: Im sorry but-

You where interrupted by the mall speakers making a buzz sound starting everyone since it was a little loud.

???: "Attention everyone, the person working at the shoe store with that Yee-Yee ass hair cut with my lovely girlfriend/boyfriend. Please return to me at the food court I'll be waiting for you."

It took you a second to process it but then you knew the voice belonged to gojos. You could feel your face burn up in a deep red color...

Worker: "So I'm guessing that's your..."

Y/n: "That's him.."

You quickly paid for your shoes and tried to find Gojo, you found him eating some food at a table.

Y/n: "Gojo!"

He perked up he's head and gave you a cheeky smile. He sat up from his seat and walked over to you.

Gojo: "Y/n~, how was shopping?"

Y/n: "It was all well..."

Gojo: "I'm sure it was."

Y/n: "Also I have a question."

Gojo: "Yeah?"

Y/n: "How'd you do that with the speakers?"

Gojo: "Oh, that's easy. I found an employee who was working at the mall and I told them I lost you so they happily led me to tell everyone that I needed you returned to me."

Y/n: "._."

Gojo: ":>"

Gojo: "Now let's just eat before we leave."

You sat down and enjoyed your f/f with him. Even though you still couldn't process what happened.

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