New Character!

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Kento Nanami

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Kento Nanami

How you met each other

-You worked at the bakery
-He was a regular there
-The both of you would have small talk
-Until the conversations would last about 30 minutes long
-Ended up introducing you too Yuji

What he thinks about you

-Always goes to the bakery to hang out with you
-He was surprised that you knew Jujutsu since he's never seen you around
-Can tolerate your random bursts of energy
-Likes your company
-When he has free time the both of you go eat deserts or b r e a d
-He thinks you're a nice person to be around
-Randomally calls you if you aren't busy so the both of you guys can spend time together

-Both of you plan some little hang outs
-Yuji is always with you ofc

When he realizes he has feelings for you

-Normally doesn't show how he feels but oh boy
-Looks stable around you but is mentally nervous
-Sometimes day dreams about you
-Worried to death you'll get hurt
-If he sees someone else flirting with you he feels insecure
-Calls you more to check up on you

-Yuji and Gojo always tease Nanami when you where near him or if you passed by

Little Scenario

You and Nanami where talking to each other on how your guyses day was, it was going well until Gojo showed up.

Gojo: "OoOooOoou~ NaNaMiIiiIi~"

Nanami turned around quickly to see Gojo giggling with a little smerk getting ready to run if he chased him.

Y/n: "hmmm?"

Kento: "Just ignore him he's just being dumb."

Gojo: "D-dumb? How dare you call me DUMB~."

He dramatically scoffed and walked over to you guys singing a little song.

Gojo: "Nanami and Y/n, sitting in a tree k-i-s-"

Nanami glared at him making Gojo frown.

Gojo: "Well you're no fun."

He walked away frowning, Nanami turned back to you continuing the conversation like if nothing happened but you couldn't help but giggle a little.

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