Kabedon Challenge Part 1

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Quick announcement!

I want to appolagize for two things, the first one is probably the most important. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the pronouns I used, I'm really use to using female pronouns and I sometimes forget my readers aren't all female. So for all the chapters I used female pronouns in I'll put them in editing <3.
Second thing I wanna appolagize for is being inactive, I lost a whole bunch of motivation to write and I finally got it back. So thank you guys for being patient with me. Also, these aren't going to be in order. I wrote the ones that were easier for me to do. But there will be a part 2 coming soon. Thank you for reading and supportive of me! ❤❤

 Thank you for reading and supportive of me! ❤❤

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Yuji Itadori

It was midnight and you were about to go to bed until you got a text from Yuji, saying he couldn't sleep so you went over to his dorm trying to help him.

Y/n: "So what did you call me here for?"

Yuji: "I just kinda wanted to try something new"

Y/n: :Ohh what is that?"

Itadori blushed but gave you a cheeky smirk then walked closer to you.

Y/n: "H-hey what are you doing?"

You kept stuttering until you felt you back hit a wall.  He stepped closer to you and ran his hands down your waist.

Yuji: "Don't worry it'll be okay."

Y/n: "You said y-you couldn't sleep.... W-will this help you?"

Yuji: "Yeah i'm sure we'll both sleep well tonight."

You flet your heart race the closer he got to your face.

Yuji: "Good night Y



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