Happy birthday Gojo! 🎉🥳

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Enjoy ❤~
(Sorry for not updating as much, im trying to get back to it as soon as i can! Thank you for reading, I also tried to change my writing style a little so it looks neater, please let me know if this one is better or if the other one is <:)

Enjoy ❤~(Sorry for not updating as much, im trying to get back to it as soon as i can! Thank you for reading, I also tried to change my writing style a little so it looks neater, please let me know if this one is better or if the other one is <:)

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Gojo birthday scenario

"Hey Y/n-san!" Yuji said excitedly. "Hey Yuji, you seem more energetic than usually. Anything happen?" You said confusedly. "Isnt it Gojo senseis birthday today? How old is he turning anyways? Isnt he turning 29?" "I think so... Why?"

He put his hands in his uniform pants and swayed himself side to side. "Well... What if the four of us get him something? I mean, hes done so much for us. The least we can do is get him a cake and a card or something." "That dosent seem like a bad idea, but lets make it a surprise though~." You said as you raised your finger towards your lips. "Also, let the others know as well. Then after training we can all go to the store and get him something."

Yuji smiled and nodded his head. "Sounds good Y/n!" He ran off with his freinds to get back to training. After a couple of minutes you recived a phone call from the one and only, Gojo Satoru. Of course you couldn't just hang up. "Hey Y/n-san! Just checking in on ya." His voice sounded enthusiastic as usual which put a smile on your face. "Im just watching over your precious students." "Well im glad... Anyways~~ Do you know what day is it today?" You paused for a second remembering not to spoil the surprise. "No... Why? Is there something going on? Like a meeting?" As soon as you said that you could hear him sigh on the other end of the phone. "Are you sure? Cause it seems like a pretty special day to me!" "Hmmmmm... Theres nothing I can think of though.. ill probably remember soon so dont worry about it." "Alrightly Darling, ill see you later~." "Ill see you later too Gojo." You smiled and hung up the phone.

As you hung up the phone Yuji, Kugisaki, and Fushiguro came up to you. "So its the old mans birthday?" Said Nobara. "Hes not that old.." You said. "But hes getting there." As a sigh followed. "Well what are we gonna plan? Just a small get together?" Said Megumi. "Im not sure yet, but most likely we will." "Well then, we should get going before it gets later. Plus its winter so it gets dark sooner." Said Megumi. "True.. Then we should get going now shall we?"

The three of them nodded and followed you to the store. "What should we get him first? I mean he can buy this whole store if he wanted to, but how about something that he cant replace?" Yuji said to you. "We can get him a card? I know a card seems like something anyone would get, but it depends on whats written in it." "Yeah! We'll do that and buy him a small cake!" You smiled and went to get a card for the four of you to write in. But while getting the card you got an extra one so you could write your own personal one to him. "How about cake? We dont know what he likes." Said Nobara. "Well knowing him, hes a sweet tooth and pretty much likes anything sweet and full of sugar. "Then how about this one?" Yuji pointed at a white cake with blue frosting saying happy birthday. "That one seems nice! Megumi, can you hold the cards for me while I hold the cake?" "Yeah thats fine.."

You handed Megumi the cards and got the cake from the freezer. "Is there anything else were missing? How about a watch?" Yuji said. "Im pretty sure he has every watch here in this store, even jewelry.." "Oh.." As you guys walked to the checkout you almost forgot something. "AH- YOU GUYS STAY RIGHT HERE ILL BE BACK--" "Hurry please, i dont wanna talk to the cashier lady." Said Yuji. "Ill be quick!" You ran quickly to the freezer section and looked for it. "C'mon! Where is it?" As you looked it was no where to be found. But luckily, you found a box of his favorite mochi on the bottom of everything. "A-ha!" You grabbed it and ran quickly to the cashier.

As soon as you made it you could see Yuji with a nervous expression on his face. "Thank god your here! She said if I was paying with cash or card.." "I told ya i'd be on time." You placed the box of mochi on the desk, the lady scanned it and read your total. You paid for the things and left quickly. While leaving the store you got another phone call from Gojo. "Hey Gojo. Whats up?" "The sky." You had the urge to hang up the phone but managed to not do it. "Very funny.." "Yeah I know im hilarious~." He said as a giggle followed. "Also, did you remember what day it was today? And also.. Where are you? I cant find you or the others anywhere." "Oh! Were at some old building.. Yuji wanted to try a new trick, Megumi and Nobara follwed me with Yuji." "Oh i see... Also, make sure you get home safe Y/n-san." "I will.. ill see you soon."

You hung up the phone and continued walking towards Jujutsu Tech. The four of you walked inside your dorm and placed all of the food on your table. "How about the card? Arent we gonna write in them?" "I already got ya Yuji." You handed him a pen and let him write in the card along with the others. When they were all done you wrote in the separate card you got him. "Now what?" Said Nobara. "Ill get Gojo, the three of you hide somewhere and turn off the lights!" You giggled and walked out the door. You knocked on Gojos door.

"Who is it?" "Its Y/n!" As soon as you said that you heard footsteps running up the door, Gojo opened the door with the biggest smile on his face. "Hey Y/n!~" "Hey Gojo~" If its okay, can you follow me for a second?" "Hmm? Yeah sure thats fine." You held his hand and led him to your dorm. You opened the door and closed it when the both of you walked in. "Why is it so dark in here? I can barley see a thing... Wait... Is this surprise something special~~." He said with a chuckle. "Oh you'll see~." You turned on the lights and everyone said happy birthday.

Gojos face looked really surprised, but also happy. "So you did remember!" He looked at you and hugged you tightly. "Now before the day ends, why dont we celebrate before the day ends."

Time skip

"Im really gald I got to celebrate my birthday this year with you Y/n.. and with the others too." He said sleepily. "Im glad too Gojo, I hope you enjoyed it today." He held you close to him as you stroked his hair. "Y/n.." "Yeah?" You looked at his face and saw a heartwarming smile, you smiled back and cupped his face with your hands and smiled back at him. He gave you a soft kiss and cuddled closer to you. "Goodnight Y/n... Love you.."

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