Yujis Edited: Dying in thier arms

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You and Yuji were set on a mission to defeat a cursed spirit, it was more difficult than the both of you were use too, but thankfully Nanami was there for the both of you just in case if anything happened. Everything was going out smoothly, but sadly it didnt last very long.

"Y/n, we're gonna split up so we can get the job done faster." Yuji said to you.

"Sounds good, but... Can i ask you a quick question?" You said as you tugged on his sleeve.

"Y-you'll protect me right?..." You said in a shakey tone since you were nervous

"Of course! I'll always he here for you, Y/n." He said trying to reassure you.

He looked at you with comforting eyes pulling you into a hug. He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead making sure that you were gonna be okay. He pulled away from the hug and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"I promise that after this we'll both do something after this okay?" He said as he held the both of your hands tightly. Allthough he tried to reassure you, his expression looked worried.

"Okay Yuji." You smiled at him which he smiled back.

He let go of your hands and and split his ways with you. You walked around holding your weapon, while walking you heard a door creak open. You took your stance making sure to protect yourself. But nothing happened. So you went inside the room where the door creeked open for you as if there was a ghost there.

You looked inside the room seeing nothing inside, the only source of light was a broken window, with pieces of shattered glass all around the room. Then you heard shuffling behind you. It startled you a bit but walked to the noise too see nothing but two pieces of cardboard, but before you could move the cardboard chills sent down your spine that made your stomach turn. You quickly turned behind to see a guy who had stitches all around his face, two different colored eyes, long blue hair amd appeared to be wearing a uniform like Megumis, but it was all beat up and ripped. So you assumed it was a student who was left behind durring a mission.

"Are you okay? Y-your uniform is all beat... Do you need a medic-"

"Ah no, dont worry.~" He said in a cold tone which made you even more nervous. The guy walked over to you more slowly and raised his hand to your stomach. Before you could say anything else you felt a piercing pain where his hand was at which caused you too fall on your knees making you drop your weapon. You heald onto your stomach tightly.

"Silly girl/boy~~" He kneeled down and gave you an unsettling smile. Then thats when you realized that even though he looked human, he was a curse.

He hummed to himself then brought his hand up to your face with the same sinister grin.

"This wont hurt a bit, it'll all be over soon."

But before he could do anything you heard the door swing open. You couldn't turn your head due to the pain. Then, everything went dark.

When you woke up your head was throbbed in pain along with your stomach.

"Come on just hang in there for me okay!?"

Your hearing was still a little fuzzy, but you recognized it was Yujis.

"I knew he was here! This was the same place where we saw him last time!"

He held onto your abdomen trying to stop the bleeding, but everything wasn't going smoothly as the both of you planned in the begging.

"Why won't it stop!?"

Things went downhill fast. He carried your body away from the scene and laid you down gently on the floor.

"Nanami is coming okay he'll be here soon o-okay?" He stared to stutter badly due to him being affraid of losing you.

He still had his hand placed on your wound, seeing you in pain broke his heart. He didn't think anything like this would happen.

"Yuji.." You said

His attention went towards you imidetly and looked in your eyes with a sad expression on his face.

"Y/n... Are you going to die?.." He said as his voice started to shake.

You gave him a weak smile and tried your best to speak to him. You reached your hand out to stroke his hair even though you had no energy left.

"Nanamis not gonna be here in time.. Stop please it's not going to work-"

Stop saying things like that! You ARE going to live!.. Stop it!"

Tears started to stream down his face, he knew it was the end for you and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"I couldnt do the only thing I told myself to do! I-i couldnt protect you!" He whimpered out.

It's going to be okay.. Just smile and make others happy.."

He removed his hands from your abdomen and looked at them stained with your blood. Then slumpped over next to a wall while he was still holding you in his arms. He held you close to him while he stroked your hair and tried his best to comfort you durring your final moments.

"Remember how I told you that i'd be here for you... Well, even now im still here."

"But you'll watch over me when you're up there right Y/n..?"



As soon as he looked into your eyes he knew that they where lifeless. He pressed his forehead against yours and used one of his hands to cup your cheek.


couldn't help but cry his eyes out until Nanami arrived.

-Aftermath of your death-

He wasn't the same happy go lucky person after that, he broke seeing that the person so important to him die in his arms. Everyone gave him his space for as long as he needed. Gojo tried talking to him but Yuji would isolate himself in his room. Everything reminded him of you, when the others where unpacking your dorm he couldn't help but keep most of your things. He promised himself that he would never find anyone else. Every time he visits your grave he always makes sure its clean, always replaces your flowers, and brings extra of what he eats. (For example instead of 1 bag of cookies he brings two for you to eat and for him)

Hello! This is an edited version of Yujis part, I thought the first part was a little out of context so I re-wrote it :^ the other one will still be up though. Other parts for the characters will be out soon! Thank you for reading! 😊😊

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