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"I can't believe you still manage to get so lost

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"I can't believe you still manage to get so lost."

I roll my eyes, exhaling sharply as I take a seat at the round table before me. Summer still lingers in the air, though I know fall is approaching much too fast. Soon enough, the warm weather I'm enjoying now will give way to a chill breeze and cloudy skies. Then, not only will I find myself getting lost on the way to my dorm building, I'll also be freezing my ass off as well.

"I've only been living on campus a week," I stand up for myself, shooting the boy across the table a pointed look. "Give me a break."

Ben grins in response, loving to get under my skin by poking fun at me. Studying him, I notice that his blond hair has grown out slightly, a little longer than usual. I notice the red highlights in his hair standing out prominently as the sun beats down on us from up above. The light freckles lining his cheeks and nose are also prominent in the daylight; his features giving away his Irish descent. His hazel eyes sparkle as they hold mine as Ben slides an iced coffee across the table to my direction.

I've known Ben McAllister for years, and yet his kindness still never ceases to surprise me. I don't think I've ever come across a soul as pure as Ben's. His generosity is something I've always secretly envied, wishing I could be as naturally good as he is.

"Here," Ben tells me, "I got you one, too. Figured you would need it after studying all night."

"Thank you, thank you!" I cheer, accepting the coffee gratefully. It's true, I really could use the caffeine. Beginning college, I hadn't expected the workload of my studies to be so overwhelming within the first week of the semester. Then again, I've been an overachiever my entire life. It's not like anyone had forced me into taking the extra credits my first year. I'd simply wanted to push myself. I'm now left to face the realization of what an awful decision I'd made.

"Where's Ivy?" Ben asks as he takes a sip of his steaming coffee.

"I'm not sure," I admit with a frown. "She said she would meet us here at—"

"I'm here!" a voice suddenly interrupts me, capturing my attention. Ben and I glance up to find our mutual friend, Ivy Song, rushing towards us, her face flushed and her silky black hair pulled into a loose bun. I watch in amusement as Ivy flings herself into the empty seat at the table between myself and Ben, panting heavily from running.

"Sorry I'm late," Ivy explains, blowing loose strands of dark hair out of her face. "I had to run to my dorm to drop off a few papers I printed."

Ivy shoots me and Ben a sheepish smile, staying true to her scatter-brained nature. Even though Ivy can be a bit out of it sometimes, I've always been somewhat envious of her. She's gorgeous, with a flawless complexion and deep brown almond-shaped eyes that look amazing when drawn out with liner. Plus, she's bi-lingual, having grown up in an interacial home; her mom was born and raised in the states, while her dad is Korean. I've been studying a handful of languages, usually for some sort of class I'm taking, though nothing ever seems to come as easy to me as it does for Ivy.

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