57 | messy

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The door opens just as I rest my hand back at my side after knocking

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The door opens just as I rest my hand back at my side after knocking.

Will offers me a bright smile, running a hand through his headful of blond curls. "Hey, Blythe," he greets kindly. I return his smile, wondering how such a seemingly nice boy ever became friends with someone like Jacob Beckham in the first place. "You wanted to talk?"

"Hi," I respond with a smile of my own, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. "Is it okay if I come in?"

"Yeah!" Will opens the door a little wider and allows me to enter the house, closing the door softly behind me. "So, what's up?"

"This might sound a little strange," I start off, offering a sheepish smile so as to come off as curious and not prying. "But I was just wondering if you could tell me anything about Jacob's exes? He says it's a sore spot for him, and I guess I just want to know why . . ." I'm lying through my teeth, though for good reason. If I can get the name of even one girl Jacob has been known to have been affiliated with and meet her, I may be able to end this thing once and for all.

Will's expression turns thoughtful. He strokes his chin for a moment before admitting, "To be honest, Jacob has never seriously dated anyone. At least, not since I've known him. That's why all of us on the team were a little surprised to hear he was taking things with you so seriously. Although, he did talk to this one girl for a little while. Her name was Daya."

This information piques my interest. Without trying to come off too eager, I ask, "Daya . . . Would you happen to know if she still lives on campus?"

Will shakes his head apologetically. "She ended up transferring schools not too long ago. I think she's still in town though. I do follow her on Instagram . . . I could give you her handle if that helps with anything?"

"Great!" I exclaim much too enthusiastically. I inwardly wince at my behavior, regaining my composure and saying, "I mean, yeah. That would be great. Thanks."

"Of course." Will falls silent for a moment as he texts me Daya's Instagram handle. Glancing up from his phone, Will hums and shares, "I'm not surprised Jacob doesn't want to talk about her, after the way things between the two of them ended. Honestly, I don't even know much of the story. I just know those two were really messy together. Anyway, is there a reason you're curious?"

I shrug, careful to keep my expression neutral. "I guess I just want to know why he's so cagey about his past. Do you think you could keep this between the two of us, by any chance?"

Will shoots me a wide grin. "Sure, Blythe. I really like you. I think you've done a lot of good for Jacob. He seems . . . happier. Thanks for that, by the way."

I give Will a smile of my own, shrugging once more. Lying like it's easy, I murmur, "Well, it's only fair. Jacob makes me really happy too."


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