2 | opposites

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My roommate, Kehlani Jackson, is so unlike me that the two of us being paired to live together for a year almost seems ridiculous

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My roommate, Kehlani Jackson, is so unlike me that the two of us being paired to live together for a year almost seems ridiculous.

I'd been hoping for some sort of miracle to occur when roommates were being assigned so that I'd end up sharing a dorm with Ivy for our freshman year. Of course, no such luck.

It's not like I have anything against Kehlani, as from what I've been able to gather so far she is a relatively genuine person, on top of being hilarious. We're just simply polar opposites. I like structure and organization and schedule, while Kehlani goes with the flow and doesn't seem to care for any sort of routine.

I'm left to stare our stark contrasts in the face as I enter my dorm, only to find my roommate ruffling through her haphazardly messy side of the room. My gaze bounces to the area my belongings are set up, taking in the neat and orderly quarters I've been living in. I return to eyeing my roommate, glancing at her laundry strewn across the floor and her unmade bed, the clutter topped off with a bag of chips set on her nightstand.

"Oh my Lord!" Kehlani gasps as she turns to face the door, seemingly noticing me for the first time. I can tell I've startled her without intending to. "Blythe! You scared the hell out of me!"

"Sorry," I mumble, quickly closing the door to our dorm and entering our shared room. "I didn't think you'd be in here. I can go if you need me to."

"Blythe, we're going to be living together for the next few months," Kehlani remarks with a smirk. "Might as well get used to it. Of course I don't want you to go."

A rush of relief courses through my veins. I'm not exactly adjusting to the whole roommate situation as easily as I thought I would. Back at my parents' house, I always had my own room. Though I have a sister, Talia is two years my senior, so it's not like we were ever especially close. She mostly stuck to her life while I stuck to mine. I'm new to how the whole sharing-space thing works, never clear on whether or not I need to be giving my roommate more time to herself or if she feels as if I'm intruding when I come and go as I please.

"Where were you, anyway?" Kehlani asks. I'm now on my side of the room, setting my bag down by my bed. "I woke up and noticed you were already gone."

"Oh, I just met up with some friends for coffee," I explain. "I would have told you I was heading out, but I didn't want to wake you up or anything. It was sort of early."

"I tend to be a late sleeper," Kehlani admits, cringing at herself. "Definitely not a morning person. Anyways, do you have any plans for tonight? It being our first official weekend on campus and all?"

"Um . . ." I trail off. I sit down on my mattress, realizing that I actually don't have much of anything to do tonight, besides a few assignments I need to complete. I've never been one to go out, for the most part. Talia was the extroverted Tatum child. Of course, I was cursed with being the introvert to even things out. "I'm not really sure yet. Do you?"

"I heard of this party going on tonight, so I figured I'd check it out. It sounds like it could be fun."

Our personalities are one of the most blatant immense differences between myself and Kehlani. She's outgoing—from what I've noticed—and it seems easy for her to make friends and open up to others. I'm pretty shy at first; it seems to take forever before I'm able to grow close with anyone.

I glance up from my comforter and notice Kehlani facing the mirror, frowning as she gazes at her reflection whilst holding up two different dresses to her figure. Yet again another clear distinction between the two of us—Kehlani is gorgeous, and I'm incredibly plain. My roommate is the kind of girl who no doubt gets tons of second glances, with her warm brown skin, long legs, stunning facial features, and piercing green eyes. On the other hand, I blend into the background easily. I guess one could say I'm tall for a female, though that's about all I have going for me. Besides that, I'm average, with dark wavy hair and dull blue eyes. Though I know I may be considered pretty, I don't stand out in the ways my undoubtedly beautiful roommate does.

"Which of these do you like better?" Kehlani questions as she turns her attention to my direction, holding the two dress options up for me to choose from.

"Uh . . ." I know next to nothing about fashion, so I simply choose the dress I think Ivy would pick if she were here. "The red one. It's cute."

"Right?" Kehlani exclaims, seemingly pleased with my choice. "I bought it last year in New York. I went on a day trip for my nineteenth birthday. I don't think I've even worn it yet. I have way too many clothes. As you can probably tell." Kehlani sheepishly gestures to the mess of clothes tossed amongst the floor.

I begin to smile. I feel a little more at ease with her now, getting to talk to her a little. I tend to be extremely anxious around new people I don't know well, though I like Kehlani. Sure, we're different, but she's incredibly bubbly and welcoming. Plus, she hasn't shamed me for my reserved behavior, seemingly understanding my shyness. Though we hardly know one another now, I can see us getting along well down the road. Maybe she'll even be able to help break me out of the shell I've been living in—one that Ivy has so desperately been trying to get me out of for years.

"Hey!" Kehlani cries, startling me. "You should totally come with me to the party tonight!"

"Oh—" I start to decline the offer, already racking my brain for excuses as to why I can't go. However, I'm cut off before I can come up with anything to say.

"I don't know, like . . . anyone here. It could be fun! We could bond. And maybe meet some new people. You don't have to, of course, but—"

"Sure." I'm surprised by my own answer. I hadn't expected to agree; I had been prepared to refuse the invitation from the moment this party was mentioned. Yet, for some reason, I find that part of me actually does want to go out tonight. I can't explain why for the life of me, but it does sound appealing. Plus, showing up with Kehlani will make the whole experience way less nerve-wracking. "I'll go."

"Awesome!" Kehlani beams. I feel oddly accomplished for being the reason behind why she's grinning. "You're welcome to borrow any of my clothes, if you want. Oh my gosh, this is going to be so fun!"

Somehow, I find myself believing her.

a/n: life update: i work everyday and am always tired and still miss my gf 24/7. so, as you can tell, not too much has changed these last few months. 😂 oh! and i drove into a pole today and scratched up the side of my dad's vehicle. so that's fun. thanks for reading! (:

 thanks for reading! (:

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