I Hate You Guys.

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It's ringing. Maybe he won't answer? I mean it's like 12 o clock. But then again I'm up this late everyday....God what am I even going to say? Ugh this is so embarrassing. Even if he doesn't answer he'll see that I called. God I can still picture him lying on the ground clutching his stomach and gasping for air. Even then he was gorgeous. Fuck! No! Stop it! You don't like him! He is friends with the gay fashion police that verbally attacked you and he smirked at you in that knowing "yeah I'm hot" kinda way. But he did save you. He was a complete stranger but he took your side over his friends. And I punched him in the gut. What does that tell me about myself?
"Hello?" I hear a husky voice in my ear.
"Oh shit he answered" I thought. I hear my friends giggle and Sal say
"Sorry if I disappointed you."
He heard.
I said the worst thing I could have said.
Out loud.
"Oh. God. No. Sorry. I meant. Uh. Um. Heh. I mean. Just. Uh. Fuck."
I gave up and just let him say something.
"Look if you want me to go..." He says reluctantly. Was is reluctance? Maybe I'm just hearing what I want. Do I want that? What is happening? God.
"No I don't, I mean, uh, you don't have to. If you don't want to?" More giggles come from my friends. I throw a nearby pillow at them and put my finger to my lips. The. I remove the phone from my ear and out it in speaker. After all my friends need to know I'm actually doing the dare and not just calling my mom or something.
"Alright I'll stay." He says, joyfully? I swear I'd have to be crazy to think he's glad to stay and talk to me. He's probably just being polite.
"So um...how's your stomach?" I mumble immediately regretting it.
"Well I got my breath back." He chuckles. "And there is a small bruise but it's nothing."
"I'm really sorry... It's just I was really frazzled and embarrassed and I needed to prove I was capable of taking care of myself but it's hard to do that with a boy defending me so I had to take you down...God that sounds like I murdered you....I'm really sorry....I had little to no control of that"
"Hey relax! I understand. You've got a good punch. Maybe you could be my body guard?" He laughs and continues "you could follow me around and protect me from EVIL!" He says dramatically. "And it's great because so many people sadly don't find woman very threatening so your like a secret weapon."
"Ha! Right so I basically stalk you? Is this only outside or would I have to be in your house to? Is it like a close watch or only in public. Because warning you that close watches means I would have to be with you AT ALL TIMES. I would have to watch you sleep and brush you teeth and change..." Did I just say that? What the hell did I just do??? This is so humiliating. He probably thinks I want to see him change now. Oh god. This is awful! Why did I ever agree to this?
"Yeah I guess so." I hear him laugh. "That doesn't sound to bad..." What? Did that? Was that him? Did he just say he would mind me......following him? And being with him everywhere? He wants me to see him change? Does he have abs? RANDOM! Not relevant. Ugh this is getting weird...
"Uh..." I'm not even sure how to reply.
"Oh god! Sorry! That, was uh...not meant to be said out loud....ugh I'm such a dunce! I'm sorry just uh let's ignore that. So um life? How it is?"
He sounds really embarrassed. He sounds like me earlier...THE TABLES HAVE TURNED! It's so cute when he's embarrassed. He can't even form a proper sentance. That's when I realized. If he is appealing to me...and I don't need a guys help for anything....maybe what if I........yes. I bring my fingers up into a hashtag shape and mouth "hashtag Yolo." To my friends.
"DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME?" He blurted. Or did I? Did we both at the same time? We're totally in sinc. My friends gasp. I guess they probably thought I hated him or something. And I haven't dated anyone since.....him. Two years ago. He was my first. Let me clarify I meant first boyfriend, first kiss, first french kiss, no further. He sucked. And he became an ass. And now we do not speak of it.
"Uh...um...ha...what?" Again same time.
"You go."
"No you."
"OKAY." Finally I said something he didn't. Now I have the floor.
"We both basically answered each other's question anyway. Yes I would love to go out with you. When are you available?"

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