The Before Date Ritual

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Friday is finally here. I'm so nervous you could never imagine. I spent hours finding the perfect outfit, another two making my makeup look perfect and spent three hours shaving my legs to look, well, perfect. I have to be perfect. Everything needs to be perfect. Wait. What the hell are we even doing? Where are we going? What if I'm over dressed? Maybe it's a casual thing... I should text him and ask... But what if he thinks I'm being rude and cancels? He's probably already having doubts. He's probably reaching for his phone right now and canceling. My phone buzzes. Shit. I was really excited for this. I solemnly walk over to my phone looking for the expected hey sorry something came up.. Maybe another time? Text but instead I see te most relieving thing in all of history. (At least that's how it feels) it's from Sal.
"Hey, I don't want to come off like an ignorant ass hole who doesn't care about you but, I forgot what we were going to do tonight. I just spent half my day trying to look good enough for you and now I don't even know where to go...I'm so sorry!"
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS! Me too! I spent all day trying to look perfect and realized we might just be going on a walk in the park! Might as well I'm kinda almost broke."
"Well if we both look perfect (or at least you) then why don't we go to that five start fancy shit on the corner?" For a second I try to remember what place that is and finally I remember that it's the place that a year ago I dined and dashed there with all my friends. I hope no waiter there recognize me...that would be a disaster.
"Please, you probably look much better than I do and sure.. But how are we gonna pay? That place is crazy expensive."
"My mom owns the place so it's on the house."
Well great...I robbed him of a possible new pair of shoes or something with my little stunt. Why I did that now I can no longer remember.
"Okay sounds fun ;)"
I'm about to shit myself. I am most likely almost surely screwed. I take one last look in the mirror and fix my hair slightly. Then I grab my purse and rush out of the house to Bekkas so we can do our, before date ritual. Rushing inside Bekkas house. I shout
"Let's make this quick I have foods to eat and boys to kiss!" I throw my purse down and run up to Bekkas room to find all the lights off and a bunch of candles in a circle just big enough for me to sit inside. All the girls are siting in a circle around the candles holding hands and humming. Alice and Zoe are giggling but trying to remain calm. I stiffle a giggle as well and sit in the middle of the circle.
"Ladies." Max starts, "we have gathered here to wish Ana luck as she goes onto a new journey with a new partner to kindle a new bond....a sexy bond." Everyone giggled at this part, they always do. We always do.
"Ahem." Max continues "We wish you good fortune, and good sex."
Again giggles escape everyone's lips and I blush furiously.
And because this always happens when she says this we decided to add on to the end ,
"And now you must go to the man, he will look at you in great shock and wonder, seeing you looking so hot." Everyone giggles in expectation of the finally.
"And so bothered. So goodby my lovely, and remember" I start to stand and every one bursts into a laughing fit as they attempt to sing a parody of "we wish you a merry Christmas" that's been renamed "we wish you a happy sex life." I walk out the door still hearing them screaming the song. Their voices slowly fade into the distance as I walk to the meeting spot Sal and I agreed on. And now..I wait.

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