Chapter 1||A "Calm" Walk||

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<Luke's P.O.V>

"Okay Mother! I'll be back soon, I promise no one will see me." I replied back to my mother as I was putting on my cloak to cover up myself so I wouldn't get the attention of everyone.

Oh! Improper of myself! I forgot to tell you who I was. I'm Luke Peterson, Prince of Rosy Kingdom. My mother and father are queen and king also. Today I'm finally leaving the palace for a nice stroll! Ah, finally! My parent's never let me go out at all unless a guard comes with me. Today is officially my second time going out alone! Oh goodness, I'm so excited. Well let's go!


I entered the village that was really near the palace and I see lots of amazing people! I see people selling stuff and others doing their daily work.

Seeing all of these people.. Walking with them makes me feel free as I can finally see outside the palace without someone having to go out with me..

Most of the time I was walking around. Going to a nearby pond, and basically just enjoying it before I have to go back to that annoying palace where I basically just hear my parent's ramble over the most irritating things anyone could imagine!

As I was walking I look around without noticing where I'm going. Then out of no where someone suddenly bumped into me. We both fell down, as I hold on my hood trying to make it not fall down. "Oh goodness.. I'm so sorry!" I then end up hearing someone say.

<??? P.O.V>

"Oh goodness.. I'm so sorry!" I say trying not to feel embarrassed.. "Oh, it's alright. I wasn't looking where I was going either." I chuckle, but I feel like I need to repay that person someway because of my stupid clumsy actions. "How do I repay you.. Oh I know! Please follow me." I said as I grabbed the stranger's hand and basically dragged him across the village trying to get to the area.

<Luke's P.O.V>

"Slow down!-" I try saying while trying to keep up, this random girl just started taking me to.. who knows where! "Where here!" I hear her say. "O-oh.. Okay!-.." I reply with dizziness trying to stay on both my legs.

"Let me just find him.. Stay here." She said as she went somewhat I don't know, behind a cover. I just stayed there standing awkwardly so confused.

I looked around at the area.. I saw these treats. There were these biscuits, cakes, and some lollies. Oh and also some sort of beverages, like.. Grape Juice. Purple color to be exact. I just look at the treats and if I'm honest. They look so appetizing!

"Okay come come!" I then hear her voice again

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"Okay come come!" I then hear her voice again. "Geez, Milly. I told you to be careful.." I heard a male voice say as the random girl that bumped into me also came out with him.

I look up and I see him.. Wow.. I have never seen someone like that. His outfit.. His purple ombre hair.. and most importantly his gorgeous Periwinkle eyes. I never seen any eyes like that, wow. I feel my face heat up a bit but then they we're here so I just quickly tried to ignore that.. Well, strange feeling..

"Oh, uh! Hello!-" "I'm Luke." I introduced myself. "Well Hello, Luke. My name is Alexzander and I'm extremely sorry about my FRIEND here for messing around with you" He replied while at the same time gave a cold glare to the pink haired girl. "I already apologized sheesh, oh and the names Millicent."

I smiled at both but then drifted off and put my gaze onto the snacks that we're on the table. "Are you interested in one?" I hear Alexzander reply. "Oh! Well I'm not sure-" "Here take one. My treat you do seem intrigued in it." He said as he was handing over a small box with a treat in it while having a smile on his face. "Oh, that's kind of you, thank you!" I smile back while taking the box and putting it in my bag.

"Zanderr, Uhm more people arrived and we need to take care of them." The pink haired girl said to well, Zander? Hm, nice nickname. "Oh, well nice meeting you Luke I hope to see you soon again, goodbye." He said as he went back so he can help the rest of the customers. "Bye bye!" Millicent said while she followed her friend.

I sighed while I was starting to head back to the palace since it was my time to go back..but this strange feeling in me.. Him. Zander.. when I think about him my face just heats up and turn hot pink. I've never felt this feeling but I rubbed it off and started heading back my way.


"I'm back!" I say while taking off my cloat as the maid nearby takes it so she can put it away.

I walk around trying to find my mother and then I see her sitting at one of the dining tables we have in our palace. "Hello, Mother." I say as trying to be polite. "Oh, Hello dear. How was you're walk?" She asks me while placing her tea cup she had in her hands down. "It was one of the best walks I had in so long! I quite enjoyed it oh and if you're wondering, no.. No one found out it was me walking by." I say.

My mother sighed in relief. I sat down on the chair near my mother as the maid close by comes and pours me some tea in one of the tea cups. Me and my mother just talked for a while, until something came up to me..Should I tell her about the people I met? Since I thought "What could possibly go wrong?" The moment I was about to open my mouth, my mother chimed in and said something that left me to quite shock..

"Luke dear." I look at her for a while, "Yes Mother?" "I thought me and you're father could talk it out but, I'll be telling you." I was curious, what did I need to know?

"Me and you're father decided, since you're going to turn 19 soon.. We're planning you to be the next one seated on the throne." My jaw was wide opened I felt like it fell to the ground. "What- I mean- Wait wait.. Excuse me?" I say in complete shock. "Yes Luke, you're old enough but we need you to get married for that." Married kept repeating in my head. I felt that I was not ready to get "Married."

I was shocked but disgusted at the same time. Since I don't think I needed to be crowned with having to be married! "B-but who am I marrying?.." I say confused. "Well you will be picking! We found these two lovely girls that are from other kingdoms named, Ms. Daisy and Ms. Stacy." "And.. there both royale?" My mother nodded to that.

I didn't wanna to get married at all. In the first place I didn't wanted to get crowned as king yet! But since being the only child.. I had no choice. "Mother, may I excuse myself?" I say placing the tea cup down. "Of course, Son." She said the last part in a kinda serious tone. Don't know why but I just stand up and head to my room and close the door shut.

I just tried to ignore the fact I'm getting married to someone I don't even know but my mind just kept thinking about him.. My cheeks heat up and I feel the rest of my face turn red. Alexzander... Just looking at his gorgeous eyes, you can easily get lost in them. But then I thought about that girl, Millicent. I heard her call him a friend.. Well she better be just a friend, hmph!.. (Jealous, much huh?)

I just sigh and just grab a book and start reading it while looking outside my window which I could be able to see the village very easily. Out of a sudden I see both Zander and Millicent running around near by.. Okay why is this girl so close to him! Wait.. Am I- Okay improper of myself.. I just smile and look at away while continuing reading my book as the day goes by fast.


Okay that's it for the first chapter! I will be try to keep most of the chapters within 1,000-2,000 words. I'm sorry if their are any mis-spell words on here! Okay thank you, have a nice day/night!

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