Chapter 4||Busy Day||Zander Special||

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Welcome to the Zander special! This will include other characters besides, Luke,Stacy and Daisy!

Warning there will be SOME swearing in this, so you've been warned, okay enjoy!

<Zander's P.O.V> <><><><><><>
I was sleeping on my bed that felt hard as a rock until I heard an annoying sound of a bell which woke me up from my beauty sleep. I wake up annoyed and rub my eyes and look up at my step father with a bell in his hands while ringing it, "C'mon Zander, up you go!" He says while he continues ringing that obnoxious stupid bell. "You know that we have to open up the shop every morning, so don't make this hard." I get up and stretch my arms, "And why don't you wake up Hailey like this every day." I said annoyed, "Oh you dang well know I wake her up as well like this, I'm not raising lazy people in this household." I roll my eyes as my father left my room and I quickly got ready for the morning.

"Bye Mom, Bye Michael, Bye Bethy. C'mon hurry up Hailey." I say while swinging my bag on my back and grabbing my food. "Coming.. Bye!" She says as she grabbed her food and we left our small house. It was 6:15 in the morning but there was still a good amount of people walking in the village. Me and Hailey had to walk to the opposite side of where we live at to go get Milly, since she always works with us also. Ten minutes later we arrive and Hailey knocks on the door but there was no reply. "Oh, C'mon Hailey that isn't going to work." I say as I rolled my eyes and purposely started knocking loudly on the door.

"Geez, COMING!" We hear someone yell from across the wooden door. A few minutes later, the pink haired girl, Milly opens the door. "Morning Milly." Me and Hailey say while Milly locked her door. "Morning Guys, now hurry let's go." She says with her usual cheerful tone. I don't know how this girl is still very energetic even at early in the morning. Hailey, Milly and I are walking next to each other while talking, I don't know Milly was telling us about a dream she had- I don't know she was beating the shit out of people? Yeah, don't know what the damn she is talking about. As we finally arrive I could see Michael opening up the shop.

"Hey Michael!" Milly said while waving her hand. He turned his around facing the three of us and smile, "Morning to you to Milly." Out of know where I could hear some high pitch screaming which became louder and louder.. "Milly!!" And then my little sister Bethany comes running towards her and hugs Milly. "Hey there, champ!" Milly said while she ruffled Bethany's hair. "Bethany!" I hear my mum say. My ombre haired mom then came up to us, "Okay, say goodbye, Bethy. It's time for school." Mum says and Bethany starts to whine. I kneel down to her level and tell her, "Hey, if you don't get ready.. The scary evil British psycho will be under your bed tonight..~" I tell her while I totally didn't frightened her a bit.. Yeah she'll be fine. As soon as my mum and Bethany leave, Hailey leaves to go get more ingredients we need as me and Milly started getting some of the stuff that was already made, on the displays. As soon as we opened up customers start to show up and that's basically what happens every day.

<><><><><><><> <Nobody's P.O.V>

Milly yawned and stretch her arms and Zander looked at her in disbelief, "Oh really tired like always? We barely had any customers this morning." Zander says to her while he crossed his arms. "Yeah yeah whatever, you weird ass human grape." Milly replied while letting out a slight chuckle. Zander sighed. Then a few seconds later there was a sound coming from door, since everytime when someone opens it, a bell rings. Milly and Zander turned their heads facing the door and there they see the magenta haired boy.

"Hello Hello, please no pictures!" The magenta haired boy said in a sarcastic tone.  Milly let out a slight giggle, as she shook her head in disbelief while looking at him. Zander smiled, "Hey Drew. The usual, like always?" Zander asked as he was grabbing a bag where he puts the item's in. "You damn well know it, Zander." Drew said while chuckling. The periwinkle eyed boy started placing the pastries that Drew always gets in the bag, while Milly was getting his drink ready.

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