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Grey and I have never really talked about kids before. And if we're being honest I'm not sure that I want them. Obviously they wouldn't be raised the same way I was but after my childhood I just don't know. I had no idea he was thinking about having a baby. With all the shit we've been in the past couple months I definitely am not bringing a child into any of it. And I know that that'll be a part of Greyson's life forever.

The rest of our night was pretty uneventful. We ordered in and watched tv. Tomorrow we were leaving for Italy so both of us got ready for bed early.

"Goodnight baby" he kissed my forehead before rolling over. "Goodnight." I said, turning the brightness of the laptop down. I continued making a spreadsheet for the office to send to Julia.

After I was done I quietly put away the computer before laying down and wrapping my arm around Greys stomach, cuddling into his back. He's so warm. I hummed quietly and drifted to sleep counting his heartbeats.

As always, Greyson was up bright and early making so much noise I couldn't sleep. "Greyson shut the fuck up." The noise ceased and I heard chuckling from the closet. "I'm sorry baby. Just getting our bags ready and putting them downstairs." He came over to the bead, kissing my head. "You've got a little more sleep time." He whispered, tucking me in. I smiled to myself as I was facing opposite of him. I heard the sound of our rolling suitcases in the hallway before he closed our door and I'm assuming went downstairs.

I woke up a couple hours later to Greyson shaking me. "Come on baby, we have to leave in 30 minutes, breakfast is downstairs." He kissed me softly and walked out. I groaned, stretching and getting up to go to the bathroom.

I had gotten ready and dressed and met Grey downstairs. "Good morning, Angel." He looked up, grinning. I kissed him, running my fingers through his messy hair. "You were up early." I said, grabbing my plate of food. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck as I ate bacon. "It's not very often I get to visit the vineyards. I'm excited to take you." I hummed, turning around. "By the sound of that voice that's not all." I held my plate, eating eggs as I looked at him expectingly. "I also have business to tend to." He gripped the counter on either side of me and looked me dead in the eyes." When I stayed silent he sighed. "Trust me when I say this trip is not just about that. I want you to see where I spent a lot of time in my child hood. I want to experience one of my favorite and most beautiful places with you. But as far as business goes, I promise that it is absolutely necessary for this to be taken care of. For us." He spoke softly. I set down my plate and leaned back against the counter. "Are you going to tell me what it's about?" I asked, already knowing my answer. His grip on the counter tightened and his jaw clenched. "I know you want to be included in things and I have no doubt about you being able to handle it but I prefer to keep this one to myself. I did a lot of stupid things when I was a teenager and it's about time I correct one of them." I raised my eyebrows. He reached up, cupping my cheeks and placing a light kiss on my lips. "Let's just say I made an incredibly idiotic deal I should have never put myself in and I've been paying for it since I was 17." He stroked my cheek, searching my face. I sighed, nodding. He kissed me again, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me close. When we pulled away I looked up at him and smiled. "I trust you."

We met Gavin, Shawn, and Enzo at the airport. Enzo is another one of Greyson's security, pretty much the same level as Shawn but he is fluent in 15 languages so he handles more foreign aspects. It's a really good guy though, his wife also works for Greyson. She is an amazing marksman, which I admire.

"Hello Mrs. Davidson, it's good to see you." I smiled at Enzo. "Hello Enzo. I'm glad to see you're accompanying us." He returned a smile and grabbed my bags from me, putting them away in the cargo area. "Thank you." He nodded and I sat down on the couch. I love this plane. He has a domestic and an international one and this one is absolutely beautiful. I was working at the office for only about a month when I helped him pick it out. It's just so cozy and it has beds for everyone who accompanies him on international trips.

Everyone else took their seats as the plane was getting ready to shut the doors. The flight attendant came out and gave everyone drinks. I'd only met her once, and I didn't like her. Apparently she basically comes with the pilot though, and this pilot is Greyson's favorite. Grey sat next to me with a glass of whiskey in his hand and kissed my head. "Are you ready Mr.Reynolds?" The pilot asked. "All set Tanner." He nodded and went back. Him and the copilot conversed for a minute before they took their seats and started the plane.

The boys made small talk and I listened on and off as I was watching whatever Grey put on the tv. It was some cop show but surprisingly intriguing. If felt Greyson's hand squeeze my thigh and I looked up at him. "Wanna go lay down?" He said softly, brushing my hair behind my shoulder. I looked out the window, seeing that it was still dark and looked back at him, nodding. We got up to walk to the back of the plane and it looked like the boys were also going to try and get some more sleep. We passed the sleeping quarters (it's basically a small hallway with 4 "bedrooms" they're more so bunks but there's enough space to kinda move around) before reaching the bedroom. We went in and Greyson locked the door behind us. The nightstand light was on and I laid on the bed, yawning and looking up at him. He pulled off his hoodie and crawled onto the bed, hovering above me. He ducked his head down, kissing my neck. "You smell amazing." He mumbled against my skin. I smiled and ran my nails down his back. He pulled away from my neck to grin at me. I leaned up and placed my lips on his lightly. Grey wrapped his arm around my back and rolled us over so I was on top of him. I lightly laughed and adjusted myself. "The things I have planned for you when we get there." He mumbled, stroking my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up and he chuckled. He kissed me once more before turning on the tv low to what he was watching out there. I slid to his side, resting my head on his chest and leaving my leg thrown over his. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head as I closed my eyes. The combination of him rubbing circles on my exposed hip, the background noise from the tv and the faint sound of his heartbeat put me to sleep rather easily.

This is a boring filler chapter, I promise I'll update soon ❤️

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