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I woke up to Greyson poking my cheek. "What?" I groaned, batting his hand away. He chuckled. "Could you have snored any louder last night? God damn." He groaned. My eyes shot open to stare at him. "I don't snore." He looked at me like I'm crazy. "You sounded like a fucking leaf blower." I rolled my eyes, turning away from him. "Shut up." I laughed. "Come on, get up. Change of plans for the morning." He pulled the blanket off us, leaving me in only his t shirt. "I'm not waiting around for my family to figure out whatever the fuck they're doing. So I've planned a lovely day for us. Dress comfortable, bring a bathing suit." He said walking into the bathroom. I got up, stretching, following him into the bathroom. I brushed through my hair quickly, tying it up out of the way. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before applying a very minimal amount of makeup. Greyson watched me carefully, studying me. I couldn't help but smile.

Once I was fully dressed, Greyson stood from the bed and smiled widely. "Are you ready for an absolutely amazing day?" I nodded, excited. He grabbed my hand and we left the house, walking towards the main beach, where the landing strip was.

I wore simple jean shorts, a cropped flowy tank top, my swim suit underneath, and vans topped with a crossbody bag Grey had given me and the matching sunglasses. And Greyson was just as casual. His shorts were swim material, he was wearing a dark grey tank and his vans as well as his signature black sunglasses. He brought a backpack along also, filled with what I'm not sure.

We got to the runway and I saw a helicopter waiting for us. He pulled me into him with a grin. "Mr and Mrs. Reynolds." The pilot said, walking towards us. Greyson and him hugged. "We're ready whenever you are, Boss." Greyson squeezed my hand. "I know you hate flying, but trust me, it's worth it." I was hesitant but nodded.

The guy went through safety precautions with us and helped get us strapped in and put the head sets on. "Alright, ready?" He asked through the headset, the loud noise of the rotor blades already loud as shit. Greyson answered, squeezing my thigh and we began to lift slowly.

I've always hates planes and flying. I hate the uncertainty of it. There's no guarantee you're coming back down. But this. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. While not all of the ocean was crystal clear, a vast majority was and the things you can see from a birds eye view are absolutely incredible. I giggled like a little kid, pointing out every animal we saw and all the dolphins while Greyson smiled at me the whole time, pointing out animals for me as well. The closer we got to the main island the sadder I got. I didn't want it to end. But soon enough we were landing again.

"Don't look so sad." Greyson said after all the noise was gone and we were unstrapped. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "That was beautiful." He wrapped his arms around me just as tight, kissing my head. "Our day hasn't even started yet, baby."

And boy was he right.

"We're almost there!" He called, from a few feet ahead of me. "Greyson." I whined. He chuckled. "Come on Jules, we're so close." He stopped to let me fall in step with him, handing me a water bottle. I took a few big gulps before handing it back. "Okay." He smiled and we continued. True to his word, 10 minutes later we came to a clearing. "Oh my god." I gasped, looking around. "This must be heaven." I mumbled but he heard. There was a huge waterfall, though you hardly heard any noise from it. The water a beautiful blue shade. There was a little light coming in through the trees, illuminating the swimming hole. It was magical. "How are you even real?" I smiled at him. "Come on!" He said already taking off his backpack and shirt.

I followed his actions, excitedly and he jumped in, not wasting a second. I watched him for a minute and he grinned at me like a Cheshire Cat. I jumped in, splashing him in the process and he got an evil smirk on his face. The second I surfaced, he splashed me in the face. "That's mean." I pouted, splashing him back. He chuckled, grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him. I wrapped my legs around his hips and ran my fingers through his wet hair. "I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with you." I said softly. He smiled. "When I met you Id never thought I'd hear those words." I grinned. "When I met you I'd never thought I'd be saying them." His lips brushed against mine gently. "I have a question to ask you." He said, causing nervousness to stir in my stomach. I didn't reply so he continued. "I want to get married today." He said, pulling away to gauge me reaction. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I know I've said I want a big wedding ceremony and everything but I don't care anymore. The wedding is causing more trouble than it's worth. All we need is us and a minister. And I want today to be the most memorable day in my life." I smiled softly. "Please don't say this because of everything with your grandma and-" he kissed me, cutting me off. "I want you." He breathed resting his forehead on mine. "Let's do it then. Let's get married today." I couldn't see his face but I know he was grinning. His lips connected with mine again, more heated and passionate this time. I tugged at his hair and he hugged my waist closer, pulling on the strings of my bottoms. He threw them over by our clothes and wasted no time doing the same with my top. I hurriedly tugged on his shorts and he chuckled, pulling away to pull them off.

calamity. (sequel to Mr. Reynolds) Where stories live. Discover now