Chapter 9

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Marinette ended up avoiding Adrien that next week. I felt kind of bad for the guy since he had no idea why, but my sympathies were for Marinette. She talked to her parents about going to Ouran, and they were very supportive of her decision. 

I realized that she didn't have anyone to stay with while in Japan, so I called my dad and pops. They were more than happy to take her in, so I put them in contact with her parents so they could both be confident with their decision. Her parent's decision to trust mine, and my parent's decision to take her in. I also threatened my siblings that if they harmed a hair on Marinette's head, I would spill their secrets to the whole school.

They definitely promised after that.

Our last Wednesday in Paris, Madam Bustier was changing the seating around to see how it might be like without us there. But she ended up Marinette in front of Lila. I knew everything we were learning already, so I kept my gaze deadlocked on Lila and Marinette. I turned my attention away for a fraction of a second to answer a question. And when I turned back, I was appalled at what Lila was doing.

She was about to cut Marinette's hair. 

Using all my knowledge of throwing knives that Mori and Honey had taught me, I grabbed a pen. I threw it with pinpoint accuracy to tear it out of Lila's hands before she could cut Marinette's hair. The pen stabbed into the desk and stood upright with the scissors around it.

Lila turned to glare at me. I just smiled smugly and waved at her. She raised her hand to tell on me. I didn't particularly care if she told on me. This had no effect on my life. 

"Madam Bustier, Y/N threw a pen at me." Lila said.

"Y/N, you can't throw pens at people."

"She was going to cut Marinette's hair. Besides, the pen didn't hit her it just took the scissors out of her hand."

"I can't believe you'd accuse me of such a thing." Lila said in a fake hurt tone.

"I can." I muttered. "If you don't believe me, look at the angle and position of the pen. You can tell she wasn't cutting a paper. Plus she doesn't need her scissors out anyways, so what would she be doing besides cutting Marinette's hair. Besides, she hates Marinette." I told Madam Bustier. She dropped it. I was walking to the bathroom during lunch when Lila cornered me. 

"You need to back off."

"I think it's you who needs to back off." I said, looking her up and down.

"Just who do you think you are?"

"Someone infinitely more important than you with four chaotic siblings and more connections than you will ever have." I smirked. "Your lies and threats don't work on me, Lila." I smiled, patting her on the shoulder and walking over to the sink to wash my hands. They'd gotten sticky in science class since we were dealing with slime as an experiment. (A/N Just pretend school is that cool.) "I have too much influence on the right people and too much dirt on you to be threatened for you. And I know much better than to believe the words of a liar." I told her, drying my hands. "But nice try. Next time you try to threaten someone, make sure they're more jelly-spined than me." I left the bathroom and joined Marinette in the lunchroom.

"So you're like 1,000% certain it's ok with your parents for me to stay with you?" She asked awkwardly.

"Marinette. My dad and pops are so excited to meet you. You can stay with us." I told her. She nodded.

"And everything is set up for me at Ouran?" I nodded. "Thank you again for this opportunity." 

"Really it isn't a problem."

"How are we getting to the airport on Monday?"

"Oh, the Host Club is coming to pick us up mid-morning. I should tell you Paris is seven hours behind Japan." I said. 

"And thank you for what you did in class?"

"With the scissors?" She nodded. "No problem. Honey and Mori taught me some tricks with throwing knives."


"Their families are famous for their martial arts training and techniques." I told her, not looking up from the garlic bread and tomato soup I was having for lunch.  She nodded slowly, trying to get a full understanding of what was happening. "You'll get used to the confusion eventually. I've learned not to question anything." I advised. She nodded.

"Thank you for being so supportive of me."

"I was actually kinda hoping you'd come back to Ouran with me. I genuinely like you, Mari. It's nice to be around someone who's so down to earth all the time. Haruhi will also have another scholarship program friend, so that'll be nice."

"That's the girl who's a guy in the club, right?"

"It's easier if you just use he/him pronounces for him." I explained. "That way you don't slip up in front of everyone." She nodded. "Also, they're physically picking us up on Monday. So, they'll be here."

"How will you know when they're here?"

"Kyoyo will text me, and I'll have to sing the magical words." I sighed.

"Sing the magical words?"

"You'll know it when you hear it." I laughed. She nodded, laughing.

"I'm very excited. I really look forward to seeing more about the culture there and getting to know all of the other students."

"I'm happy to hear that, Marinette!" I beamed.

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