chapter six

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Karl's POV<3
It was a little over half way I to the movie until I felt weight put on my shoulder, I looked down to y/n sleeping. "Guys what do I do!?" I whispered in a yelling tone to get their attention. They both looked over and just stared, they could probably tell I was flustered. "Hmm I don't know but you never let us do that, so shove her off!!" Nick said as Alex agreed. "No seriously, what do I do?"  They took the hint that I actually was serious. "Go take her to bed." Nick said. "Or take her to bed when you get tired." Alex claimed as Nick agreed to Alex's idea. I nodded in response, so on after the movie I was actually tired, so we're the boys. "Alex, where are you sleeping though, we never discussed that." We all thought about it for a bit. "Definitely not the couch, if someone wakes up before me I don't want them staring at me just sleeping."  I giggled at the thought. "He can just sleep with me, I actually don't mind." Nick said. Alex agreed with him, I personally thought it was okay, along as they didn't cuddle without me. "Just no cuddling for anything without me" I said *inter eye role emoji here* they both scoffed. "Well of course not cause you're sleeping with y/n" Nick had spoke as Alex agreed. I got rather flustered at that. "WAIT DO YOU LIKE Y/N?" Alex whisper yelled as I swear my face went red. "Maybe, maybe not"  I looked down to avoid eye contact. "You have to tell us about this tomorrow" Nick said referring about my feelings towards y/n I guess because their ✨n o s y ✨ but Alex was ✨ a g g r e s s i v e l y ✨ nodding his head to where his beanie literally flew off of his own head. We all tried to not laugh but it was kinda hard so I let out a giggle. Once we all settled down, I looked at sleeping y/n. Well goodnight guys" I said making a kiss noise. "Goodnight" they both said in usion back. I picked up y/n and carried her to my room upstairs and layed her on the side she picked on my bed and covered her up. Then I got in the bed next to her and Soon enough, I fell asleep .

Y/ns POV (you not Britney spears🙄)
I woke up in Karl's room alone like he was never there. How did I even get here? I don't remember even going back in here, I guess someone carried me and watched me sleep🤠 I got up and stretched. I shivered when my foot hit the cold floor. I went downstairs to see all  three boys away. "So I think I really like- oh hey y/n" Karl spoke. "Really like what?" I asked while yawning. "The idea of you moving in, so we don't have to keep going back and forth to eachothers houses, I was just telling them about it." I nodded while both of the boys replied with a "mhm" they kept staring at me too. "Jeez I get a look rough in the morning but no need to stare so hard you two." I confronted them about them staring. "No it's your wearing Karl's hoodie-" Alex stuttered in the sentence as I started laughing. "YOU JUST NOW NOTICED?!?" I sat down on a stool as I snickered. "So I was thinking we go out for breakfast then we vlog y/n moving in" Karl let out his thought as we all agreed so we got ready. I changed into a plaid pinafore dress with a creamish color shirt under.

That exact outfit bc I'm so good at describing it.
I brushed my hair and spraid a bit of perfume on me. I also brushed my teeth while I was in there. I used some mascara to make my eyelashes look longer but I didn't feel like using any other makeup. I had put on some circular glasses for style that weren't real glasses with a prescription (unless you actually need glasses then uh have the prescription so uh you can see unless you use contacts)

I had used some clear lipgloss and then I came downstairs and waited for them. And I thought I took a long time to get ready soon enough they came downstairs and we decided on where to eat. Me, Alex, and Karl said waffle house while Nick said McDonald's 🤠. We got in the car, Karl driving, me sitting beside him and the other two in the back. When we got there me and Karl sat across from each other on the inner side of a booth. Nick beside me and Alex beside Karl. Me and Karl order a waffle and bacon as the other two order a waffle and eggs. We all had gotten tea to drink too. We had gotten our tea while we waited for our food we all were talking about how were helping me move in. We talked about how were gonna get all the furniture I need for a room and how I was gonna sell my stuff so I can actually buy myself furniture. "Y/n I'll buy it for y- thank you" Karl kept telling me but this time he was cut off by a worker placing our food down. "Karl you don't have to pay for it, I should be the one paying because I am the one moving in to YOUR house, plus I'm selling all of my furniture. Now you can help me do that though" I say with a smile taking a bite out of my bacon."y/n but selling it is the easiest thing ever" Nick spoke as he snickered. "No it's not bitch" I punched him on the should not hard but not soft. "Ow!" Nick started rubbing his arm where I hit it as I snickered finishing my food. When we all finished everyone argued on whose paying, so with that I just got up handed them the bill and swiped my card. I snickered as I started walking out. They had all stood there for a bit so I was leaning on the car door waiting for them to finally unlock it.

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An note: yk when you have to have someone to scream at you to finish a chapter 🤠 anyways reminder to eat and drink water to remain healthy. Bye I love you guys!

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