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Raven's pov:

True to his word, Adrien had given the kids the rest of the day off from training.

They were basking in their victory, congratulating themselves on beating the Avengers.

Amber had decided that a girl's day was a necessity, so Raven had been literally dragged by Amber and Sasha, right past the Avengers who were watching as she struggled to get away, towards the front door.

It's not that Raven didn't like the idea of girl's day, literally any other day and she would be totally up for it. But She had been in bed, watching TV, when Amber had rudely pushed her right off the bed.

"Wanda? Natasha? Want to come as we force Raven to join our girl's day?" Asked Sasha as she burned Raven's hand to stop her trying to get away. Raven hissed out in pain, she did eventually stop struggling.

"Isn't the whole reason why we're here like... not to leave?" Asked Sam

"Sure, why not?" Said Nat as she and Wanda stood up, ignoring Sam.

"Cool, I'm driving," Said Amber, pulling Raven along.

"Oh no" whined Raven, trying now more than ever to get away "we're all gonna die" She muttered under her breath loud enough for Sasha to start laughing and for Amber to mutter a "shut up."

Raven may have been a little rude with the whole "Amber can't drive" thing she said but it was true. She was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, having to lean over and take the wheel every few minutes to stop Amber from crashing into anyone.

"So tell me Raven" Started Nat "I know Amber has shapeshifting, and Sasha has fire. So is your thing super speed? Kinda like Pietro?"

Amber opened to mouth to explain Raven's situation but before she could Raven answered,

"Yeah, something like that"

Amber gave her a pointed look but remained quiet, which Raven was thankful for.

Raven spent the next ten minutes trying not to let Amber crash the car while Sasha sat peacefully in the back telling the two Avengers all about her barbie collection.

Finally Amber pulled up by a small cafe that the girls would go to every now and then since they were friends with the barista.

They walked casually into the cafe, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention.

Shelly, who was the barista, smiled widely when she saw who it was.

"I was wondering when you girls were gonna come visit again" Her southern accent was obvious along with her pink hair that had been tried under her hat.

"How are you, Shelly?" Asked Amber kindly as she seated them down at a small booth in the back. The girls had met Shelly after Amber had accidentally drunk four glassfuls of wine... thinking it was grape juice. Raven had been fourteen at the time and she had dragged Amber into the nearest shop so as to not draw attention. Shelly had let them crash in the back until Amber was feeling better.

"I've been good, how about you? No more wine incidents I hope" she said with a light chuckle but Amber deadpanned.

"It was one time" She muttered and Raven started laughing too. The other three girls looked at them confused. Just then the bell rang and a few other customers walked in.

"I'll be back to take your orders in a moment"

"Wine incident?" Asked Wanda and Raven tried her hardest not to burst out laughing.

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