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Raven's pov:

Raven was walking to her room, thinking hard.

She had been trying her hardest to forget that place, and now it was coming back to haunt her. She had always wondered why they did what they did. The words "We will make you better" came to mind. Raven hated those words.

"Raven!" Raven spun around to be met with Amber walking toward her.

"Hey, Amber, what's up?

"We're going swimming, come join us"

In all honesty, Raven absolutely hated swimming. And with good reason too, but again, the others didn't know about that. Usually when the others went swimming, Raven would just lay on one of the sun chairs next to the pool and sleep. That's probably what she would do this time as well.

"Yeah sure, let me put on my swimsuit, I'll be right there." Amber gave her a thumbs up and walked further down the hall, no doubt to go call more people to join.

Twenty minutes later, Raven was indeed laying on a sun chair, enjoying the sound of Luca yelling when Austin pushed him in the water.

The end of her chair sunk slightly and Raven opened her eyes to find Pietro sitting at the foot of the bed, looking at her.

Raven tried to keep her gaze off his very shirtless torso, instead of focusing on the grin he was wearing.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

She hadn't seen or talked to him since the-

Well anyway, she wasn't sure she wanted to be part of whatever awkward conversation was about to happen.

"You should come in the water," he suggested.

She shook her head a bit too quickly causing him to raise an eyebrow at her. Raven tried to play it off by shrugging. When he seemed unconvinced and Raven was scared he was going to pick her up and practically throw her in the water, she figured she had to give him something.

"I almost drowned once"

A lot more than once...

"It was really scary"

Raven had been terrified...

"Now I just don't really like swimming"

She absolutely hated it...

Pietro nodded and then looked at her hopefully, "I mean, you can't be scared of pools forever right?"

Raven nodded in agreement. "right"


"I think I'll just stay here for now though."

Pietro nodded and stood up. Raven sighed, relieved that the conversation about that topic was over.

She was surprised when the sound of moving chairs caught her ears and she looked over to see Pietro laying himself on a sun chair that had been moved right next to hers.

"What are you doing?" She asked. Pietro seemed like the type of person who would actually want to be in the water, so why was he laying here.

"You look lonely," he said with a shrug.

Raven rolled her eyes and closed them once more.

"Gee, thanks"

She pretended not to notice his quiet laughing.

Hadeon was sitting in the interrogation room, deep in thought.

He could keep his deal with Mason... let Hydra take care of the Avengers, get his cure, live his life with Olivia.

But would he be able to live with himself?

Or he could cut the deal... tell Mason he couldn't find the Avengers, tell the Avengers where the facility was, let the Avengers take care of Hydra, sneak in and get the cure, risk the cure not being ready, possibly live his life with Olivia.

Hade strained focused his hearing to try and listen to what the Avengers were doing. He heard water splashing, play fighting, laughing...

Hadeon couldn't bring himself to kill these people.

Half of them were only children after all.

Raven had been talking to Pietro and Wanda. They both had a lot of questions regarding being a vampire and Raven was trying to answer all of them.

"What about holy water?"

"I've never tried that" Raven admitted, she was mildly amused by these questions.

"And garlic?"

"That's just myth"

"What about the sun?"

"Can't go outside without this" She pointed to the silver bracelet around her ankle.

"What about when you first became a vampire and you didn't have that? How did you go outside?" asked Wanda.

"Well, when I first became a vampire it was night. We didn't find out about the whole sun thing until the next morning and I just stayed inside for a few days until Adrien found someone who could make this for me" Raven explained.

"How did you become a vampire?" Asked Pietro.

Wanda gave him a stern look and then turned to Raven, "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to"

This gave Raven the impression that Wanda already knew. Raven raised an eyebrow at her and Wanda smiled apologetically.

"I sometimes can't control which minds I read," She explained.

"It's fine, It's not that interesting, to be honest" Raven began. "I was running, and then I fell off a cliff because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Next thing I know I'm awake again. All because I had vampire blood in my system."

Pietro looked as though he was going to question her further but Wanda stopped him by speaking first.

"So you were born in Bulgaria?" Raven nodded "what's it like there?"

"Bulgaria is a beautiful place, just not the town where I'm from. The only good thing that there is now is my sister"

"How is she?" Asked Wanda. Now it was Pietro's turn to give his sister a warning look.

"She doesn't know I exist yet. But I've been meaning to talk to her. I just don't know how"

"I think you should do it sooner rather than later," said Wanda "Before you talk yourself out of it" She added.
Raven nodded in agreement. She had already talked herself out of it a number of times.

"If you want" Started Wanda "we could come with you?" she suggested.

Pietro nodded, "For moral support."

Raven had never thought about bringing someone with her to talk to Olivia. Now that she thought about it, it seemed like a pretty good idea. That was she wouldn't be able to talk herself out of it again.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks." 

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