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A/N: A little bit of a filler but whatever. 

Enjoy :) 

Raven's backstory:


Eleven-year-old Raven was gently shaken awake.

She opened her eyes to find Mr. Kennedy sitting next to her on the jet. Once she had agreed to join his school, that had gotten onto his jet and Raven must have fallen asleep on the way. She sat up quickly and he smiled at her.

"We're here"

Walking out of the jet Raven breathed in the sweet smell of the grass-covered hills. It was much different than what she had been used to in her small town in Bulgaria. There the air usually lingered with the smell of smoke and alcohol, but here, the air smelled sweet.

It was still dark out but ever since the whole vampire thing, that wasn't a problem for her anymore.

Raven turned her head to the left and her mouth fell open a little. Standing in front of her, was the biggest building Raven had ever seen in her life. It looked almost like a palace she had seen on TV once. Raven looked down and smiled as a few dandelions caught her attention. She ran forward and picked them. She had never seen one of these before, they rarely ever got nice flowers in her town. She held it close to her face but the small wisps of the dandelion had started flying away. She watched as they flew through the night until she couldn't see them anymore. Mr. Kennedy walked up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder, looking up at the school.

"Welcome home Raven"

"Raven wake up!"

Raven's eyes opened slowly and she groaned at the bright light above her. The light was suddenly blocked but somebody's head was peering down at her. By the tickling sensation of the person's braids, Raven could tell it was Sasha.

"What do you want, Sash?" She asked groggily, her eyes remaining closed hoping that maybe by some chance, Sasha would leave and let her continue the good dream she had been having.

"Mr. Kennedy wants you"

"Five more minutes" Raven mumbled, moving one of her pillows to cover her face.

In one swift motion, Raven was pulled off the bed by her feet. She landed on her back with a huff.

"Ow," she groaned, opening her eyes fully now. Amber was looking down at her with her arms crossed.

"He's waiting for you in the training room," Amber told her "Chop chop, you know he doesn't like waiting." With that, the two girls left the room leaving Raven to sigh in defeat.

The rest of her dream would just have to wait.

Walking into the training room, still in her pajamas which consisted of an oversized gray t-shirt and some black biker shorts, Raven was surprised to find that it was not just Mr. Kennedy waiting there for her, but the entire Avengers team, all staring at her.

"Good morning Raven, sleep well?" Asked Adrien happily.

"Not bad" Raven shrugged, whatever this was, she wanted to get it over with.

"You have two options today, you can either stay here and help the Avengers train since they don't know how to use our training devices and you do." Raven frowned, no offense to the Avengers or anything, but she had seriously woken up for this?

"Isn't it usually Austin who uses them?" she asked, why couldn't he do this instead.

"Austin is currently on baby duty, which leads you to your next option. You can switch with Austin and take care of Michael"

Raven scrunched her face slightly.

Michael was a baby,

babies meant diapers,

Raven hated diapers

"Yeah, I'll stay here" She sighed in defeat, it was better than having to feed Michael baby bottles all day.

"Perfect, I'll leave you to it then"

Adrien left the room which left all the Avengers staring at Raven.

"So you guys want to try using the training devices?" She asked casually, trying to break the silence.

"Well, we don't actually know what it is, Adrien just said you guys use it to practice" Said Tony and Raven nodded.

She walked over to the far wall and opened one of the large crates that sat there. Inside were ten small drones. She turned each of them on and they started flying around the room.

"These drones shoot you with baseballs. The point is to try not to get hit. Every Time you hit a drone, it goes out, meaning you have fewer drones to fight." She explained.

Pietro yawned, Sam rubbed his eyes, Clint's stomach rumbled, yeah... Raven felt the same way.

"Is that how you play it?" asked Steve, who seemed to be the only one fully awake.

"For the most part yeah" She responded

"For the most part?"

Raven went back over to the crate and grabbed a blindfold.

"I usually put this on, just to make it a bit harder" She explained and Steve nodded.

"Can you demonstrate?"

Of course, out of all the freakin questions, he could have asked, he had to pick that one.

It was this or the diapers, is what Raven kept reminding herself.

She motioned for them all to step back, which they did. She put on the blindfold and got in position. The drones started beeping quietly indicating that they were about to start shooting.

The first ball came flying at her from the left and she easily caught it. Being a vampire heightened her senses immensely so even though she was blindfolded, she could almost see the drones flying around her in her mind.

The second and third baseballs came flying much faster which caused Raven to duck, as to not get hit. She caught the fourth and threw it at a drone she knew was right behind her. The drone let out a low beep showing that her "opponent" had died.

This kept going for about five minutes as Raven ducked and dodged different attacks. In her opinion, this was very embarrassing. She would rather be anywhere else than in a room, fighting a bunch of flying robots in front of the Avengers, well... she would rather be anywhere else except for changing diapers.

With that thought in mind, she threw the last ball at the last drone and it let out a series of beeps, indicating that the game was over. Raven took off her blindfold and looked at the Avengers, who all looked impressed.

"Those were some good moves" Nat praised and Raven offered her a small smile.

"So we just... do what you did?" Asked Bucky.

"No... well yes, since there are more of you-" Raven opened another crate and ten more drones came flying out.

While the Avengers fought the robots in the center of the room, Raven was sitting in the corner, leaning against the wall. She let her eyes drop for only a moment, well... more than a moment because she almost accidentally fell asleep. Her eyes shot open however when she started to hear arguing.

"You need to move more to the left Pietro, you're in my way"

"I'm in your way?! You are in my way"

"I was here first"

"I was born first"

"Alright break it up you two"

It was Clint who finally got the twins to stop shouting at each other.

"Why don't we take a break and do individual training?" offered Steve before he turned to Raven "Mind showing us around the equipment?" 

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