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Raven's pov:

Raven was standing outside Olvia's house... old house.

She had left Hershey at the school with Amber and Sasha, both of whom were more than willing to take care of her.

Behind her were Tony and Natasha who had come to try and find some kind of evidence or something. Pietro was also there, Raven wasn't sure why but she didn't really bother to care at the moment.

The front door had been completely removed which gave the four of them a good view of the inside of the house... which was a complete mess.

Every painting, every chair, table, couch, window, carpet, everything was ruined. Pieces of cloth, glass, wood and even small chunks of metal littered the floor.

"It didn't look like this earlier," said Pietro to the other two Avengers.

Raven ignored what they were saying and took a step into the house, not even caring if she was stepping on glass.

"I'll check the kitchen" Said Raven,

"I'll go too," Pietro said, following after Raven, him actually caring about where he stepped.

Raven was looking through the different cabinets of the kitchen. It was nice seeing where everything was placed. Other than the ground being covered in glass, the chairs and table being completely ruined, and the cutting knives literally stuck to the wall, it was a very cute setup. It seemed very "Olivia like" which made Raven smile a little bit.

"This is cute" Pietro pointed toward a small kitchen timer that was in the shape of a hamburger.

Raven felt herself smile slightly as she took the timer from him and examined it.

"Definitely looks like something she would own," She said.

Raven went to place the timer on the counter but something caught her eye. On the ground, covered in glass was a photo. Not just any photo, it seemed to be a wedding photo. Raven walked over to it and picked it up. It was ripped down the middle but both parts were still visible. In one part of the picture was Olivia, dressed in a beautiful lace dress.

On the other side of the picture was...


What the hell?!

"No way" Raven muttered.

Pietro looked over Raven's shoulder to see what she was looking at.

"Is that- ?"

Raven was absolutely shocked.

There was no way.

No Freaking Way!

Hadeon was-

What the heck?!

"I think I'm gonna be sick" she muttered, turning the photo over to see if there was something written on the back.

Sure enough, in gold cursive writing,

[ A lifetime of Love and Happiness.

My forever soulmate,

my number one.

O + H ]

What. In. The. Actual. Hell...

Raven felt like she was going to pass out.

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now