Chapter One (Edited)

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Odette's POV

"Order up! I got a cheeseburger with extra fries and a chili dog for table three!" Daniel yelled. I quickly jotted down table six's order and made my way to the hot plates.

"Ordering! I need a chicken finger platter and a BLT with no tomato and lettuce." I said grabbing the plates. Daniel rolled his eyes, "So just a plate of bacon?" I nodded sighing loud. People just keep getting dumber and dumber every day.

I'm Odette, waitress and full time mother. Now before you start judging, I didn't choose to get pregnant, I was raped and I don't know who the guy was. I was walking home from a party and I got knocked out. Next thing I know, I was thrown on the floor and someone had their way with me. It was the worst night of my life. But the best thing that came out of it was Gabriel. My Angel.  He was born premature but he is the healthiest boy on the planet. And as for this dead end job, let me say it like sucks

I chuckled at the growl that escaped from his mouth and made my way to the 'cute couple'. Hint my sarcasm people. Giving them a fake smile, I sat their food on the table. They thanked me and I headed backed towards Daniel. I leaned my elbow on the counter and faced the 'happy couple' watching as they stuffed their faces. I forward my eyebrows in disgust as the guy shoved the chili dog down his throat groaning like a pig. Way to impress your girlfriend buddy.

I shook my head and walked to the breakroom. I opened the door slowly. As I made my way in, I saw my baby fast asleep, his teddy bear in his arms and a smile on his face. I couldn't help but get teary eyed. My little boy only being three and having to live like this. I never wanted him to not have a normal childhood. He is very shy and keeps to himself in school. They only people he's really open with are Daniel and I. I know for a fact that he doesn't really get any sleep here but I have no other choice. I cant afford a babysitter. 

I choked back a sob as I pulled his blanket up over his shoulders. Kissing his forehead, I backed out of the room and bumped into a chest. I gasped and quickly turned to see Daniel who had a concerned look on his face. I put my hand on my chest trying to catch my breath.

"Don't do that!" I said giving him a hard look, which he ignored.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I said lying though my teeth. He didn't buy it. That's what I get for being a terrible liar.

"You know you can let me know if you-" He started.

 "You have done enough, Daniel."  I said looking him in the eyes. "You're already letting us live with you and got me this job."  After I got kicked out of my old apartment, he came and helped me and I have no idea how I am going to repay him. He has always been there for me. From my parents death to the pregnancy.

He's like my big brother and my best friend.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me to the kitchen. "I know but you're like my baby sister. I will do what I can to make you happy."  I smiled and kissed his cheek, grabbing the two plates and made my way over to table six. I placed the hot plates on the table. "Enjoy." I smiled and moved to another table cleaning it off.

As I began to wipe the table down, the loud ding from the door rang filling the quiet diner.  I walked behind the counter and started the dishes since me and Daniel were the only employees here. I let whoever came in seat themselves since the diner was pretty much vacant.

"Extreme Sex God at 12:00." Daniel whispered, nudging my side. I gave him a confused look and looked up, only to have my jaw drop.  Sitting only 25 feet away from me, was the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

He wore a fancy black Armani suit with his cufflinks shining so bright they could have blinded me. My eyes traveled higher and caught a little stubble on his face. A little higher...brown eyes and long eyelashes. His shimmered as they caught the light. My eyes finally rested on his head fully of dark brown hair with what looked like a fresh haircut. He cleans up well.

"I'd bang him." said Daniel as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter which got his attention. I quickly stopped, clearing my throat and looked away embarrassed.

"You like something you see?" I face palmed. What is this idiot doing? "If you want it all you had to do was ask!"  Danny hopped over the counter which surprised me because he can barely walk straight without falling on his face. 

"Well Papi, you can have me...Right now!!" He yelled wrapping his legs around the guy's waist. I couldn't hold in my laugher any longer. Suddenly, I heard a loud crack and yell which only made me laugh harder. Then, I heard the guy speak, "What the fuck man?!" He straightened himself up and fixed his clothes.

When I finally caught my breath, I walked over to them. Danny stood beside me and held his bloody nose. "I think it's broken." He spoke but this time in pain. "I'm going to head to the hospital. Don't wait up and give Gabe a kiss for me." He grabbed his coat and rushed out the door with the two couples not far behind. I shook my head and gave the man a cup of coffee. He reached for his wallet when I stopped him. "It's on the house. It's the least I could do for someone that went through that."  I said, giving him a small smile. He simply nodded but I could tell he was upset.

"Ill take a burger and fries to-go and be quick about it." He replied rudely. I glanced at him and slowly made my way to the coffee machine before I said anything I would regret.

15 Min Later...

After he paid, he snatched his order from me and left letting the bell break the silence in the diner.  I rolled my eyes and began cleaning the rest of the diner. When I finished, I went into the break room and started bundling Gabe into his coat and gloves along with myself. I wrapped him in my arms, locked up and started on my journey home. Danny was my ride.

I managed to walk two blocks without a car insight. That is until I turned and saw a black mustang with tinted windows moving slowly behind me. I tighten my grip on Gabe and walked faster without looking back.  I could hear the car come to a stop and a door open. Footsteps crunching in the snow echoed through the night along with mine. That's when I started scared, not just for me but for Gabe. 

I broke out into a hard sprint and took a sharp left into an ally hoping to lose the guy, who was nothing but 8 feet away from us, only to meet a brick wall.

Damn it! I should have kept straight. My breathing got faster as he crept closer. He grabbed my arm and I screamed waking my little angel. A hard hand covered my mouth to silence me almost making me drop my baby. 

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