Chapter Seven (Edited)

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#LEH By Superwoman ft Humble the Poet

Elijah's POV

"Come on." I muttered impatiently in the elevator. It's been 2 weeks since Becka called about our little problem. Okay huge problem! Seems like someone hacked into our database and stole a majority of our files. Most of which were the companies bank statements and presentations for other companies willing to merge.  I went through my personal bank account and pulled a couple millions out just to keep the doors open. When I find out who is responsible for this, im going to ring someone's neck.

Finally, the elevator bell rang when I made it to the top floor. I made my way past all the employees, watching as the accountancies' worked on numbers, the tech-nerds working through our databases looking for clues, and everyone else trying to make a good impression when they figured it was me that walked out of the elevator.

I unlocked my office doors and gave them a push only to find Becka standing by my desk looking through documents. I took a glance at my desk and overlooked all the photographs and books and found 3 piles of paperwork.

She reached over and grabbed a cup of coffee and handed it to me. I gladly took it and took a long sip.

"Good morning, Mr. Augustine," I nodded my head. "A Mr. Sawyer is here to see you in the Conference Room."

I gave her soft 'thank you' before exiting the room.

I walked into the room watched as he stared at the city below us. 

"Sawyer," I spoke making him look in my direction. "It's been 6 years, brother." I made my way across the room and embraced him in a bone crushing hug.

Sawyer is my best friend. It's been a long 6 years. I met him in a business meeting in Seattle and we became business partners and became friends after a while. One night we went out, we ended up in a strip club. Girls on poles, breasts were out and drinks flowed all night. One after the other until we got hammered. I was a little more sober than he was and let me tell you, he is not a nice drunk. He started a bar fight and got arrested. It was the best night of my life.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I thought you were in New York for a Marketing Convention."

He shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets and moved around the room.

"I left early yesterday morning. Being in the same building with the same people gets very boring."

"You mean you slept with half of the committee and business women and they chased your crazy ass out?" I raised my eyebrows and a smile spread on my face.

Sawyer tightened his jaw. "No," he averted his eye "Not half of them. Only about 2 or 3."

I let out a laugh. "Sure." I offered him a seat.

"Enough about me and my overexciting sex life. What about you, brother?" He leaned closer and nudged my arm. "Who's the lucky girl that snatched you up?"

"Who told you that?" I asked, afraid that I already know that answer.

We made eye contact. "Ma." We said in unison. "I swear that woman can't keep a secret to save her life." I exclaimed.

 Telling mom and dad I was getting married was the first step to disaster. Then telling mom that Odette was my fiancé just put her in the middle of all this shit. I did nothing but dig myself into a deeper hole. 

"Am I at least going to be the best man?" he grinned. I rolled my eyes and slightly nodded.

"Now why wouldn't my best friend be my best man?"

He shrugged and chuckled, "When do I get to meet the lucky lady?" I stood up and patted his broad shoulder. The look on his face rubbed me the wrong way but I ignored it.

"When you get that sneaky and lust filled look out of your eyes." I sent him a wink and left him stuck in his seat with a shocked expression on his face. 


Augustine (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now