Chapter Two (Edited)

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"What the hell dude?" I yelled making him rolled his eyes. It was the guy from the diner! He had some fucking nerve. "Why are you following me?"

"I was driving around and saw you walking. It's snowing pretty hard out here and it's too dangerous to be walking out here by yourself. Especially with a child." He gestured to Gabe, who was looking at him with confused and tired eyes. I rubbed his back still trying to keep my breathing under control.

I raised my eyebrow, "And what are you going to do to 'help me'?"

"I'm going to be a gentleman and offer you and the little one," He pointed to Gabe, "A ride home." Letting out a very unlady like grunt I said, "What makes you think I'm getting in a car with you? For all I know, you could be a serial killer." I am fully prepared to go Jackie Chan on this guy.

"You won't know unless you get in." He replied chuckling. He shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders. I forward my eyebrows and walked around him. "Not gonna take that chance, pretty boy." I rounded the corner and quickly made my way but I guess I wasn't fast enough because he was able to hop in his car and drive slowly by me.

"Odette please stop being stubborn and get in the damn car. It's freezing out here."

"I don't even know your name, why would I get in the car?" I asked not looking at him. "How the hell do you know my name anyway creeper?" I moved a little faster.

"It's fucking 10 degrees out here and not to mention you're carrying a child. As for my name, I will tell you if you get your ass in the fucking car!" He yelled getting extremely annoyed. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. There was no way I was getting the car with him now. I mean not that I was going to anyway but that just confirmed it.  

That arrogant bastard.

 He stopped the car again and I wasn't expecting what he did next.

He came behind me and took Gabe from my hands! I turned to scream only to be thrown over his shoulder. I started to kick and punch careful not to hurt Gabe. I heard him sigh loud and plant me in the passenger seat and sat Gabe in my lap. He closed the door before I could protest. I let out a breath and brought Gabe closer to me, watching the guy get in the car.

"How the hell do you know my name?" I questioned impatiently not taking my eyes off of him. He smirked and his strong hand through his beautiful hair. "Your name tag dipstick." I looked down embarrassed. Of course dummy. "Fine. Does my stalker have a name?" 

"You honestly don't recognize me, do you?"

I shrugged, "Should I?"

"If you don't live under a rock, then yes." He nodded, focusing on the road ahead. I looked at him.

"If I knew then I wouldn't be asking." I said, faking a smile and let it fall quickly. "Now are you gonna tell me or not?" I really need to hurry home before Daniel calls for a search party.

Which already happened once...please don't ask...please...

"My name is Elijah. Elijah Augustine."

And for the second time that night my jaw dropped to the ground. "You're shitting me right?" He let out a deep chuckle and ran a hand over his stubble.

That would feel amazing in between my le-

 I shook my head and licked my lips when they suddenly became dry like the Sahara.

This guy is Elijah Luca Augustine. One of the richest people in the world. His father is Liam Seth Augustine, who is the founder of AG (Augustine Global) and from what I heard he made the biggest deal with A Brazilian Corporation and made billions in less than 30 minutes. And Mr. Stalker over there isn't all that innocent. Just last month he was spotted leaving a night club with 4 girls. He is nothing more than a rich, self-centered, egotistic, playboy.

"Before you strain your brain, sweetheart, you're home." He uttered as he pointed to the house. I'm still stuck on the whole billionaire thing. How did I not figure that out sooner? The Armani suit, the car, the cuff-links, the eyes, his physique.....

Alright, I really have to stop. I cleared my throat but pretended like I didn't give a fuck. "Well thanks for the ride and scaring the shit out of me but we must get going." I opened the door and rushed to the door. Before I closed the door, he honked his horn and made his leave. Finally, I made it inside and found Danny's lazy ass asleep on the couch snoring like a pig. I let out a soft laugh and headed upstairs. I let out a sigh of relief and put Gabe in his PJs. I'm shocked he went back to sleep.

After I did the same to myself, I plopped down on the bed next to him almost asleep when my eyes shot open in realization.

How did he know where I lived?!

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