Chapter Three (Edited)

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 I was awakened by the weirdest smell. I sniffed and made a face. I slowly opened my eyes only to see Danny's feet in my face. I let out a loud yell and jumped falling off the bed. As I landed on the floor with a thud, Gabe sat up startled along with Mr.StinkyFeet.

I scratched my head as they leaned over the side of the bed looking confused and still half asleep. "Mommy, why are you on floor?" said Gabe who was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Unlike Danny who turned over and went back to sleep. I groaned and stood up. "Mommy smelled garbage and corn chips," I let my hair out of the bun and put him on my back. "Turns out it was only Danny's feet." Gabe giggled into my shoulder. I smiled and headed into the kitchen. I sat him on the counter and started to make breakfast. I prepared our plates and moved to the table.

For some reason I couldn't get the aroma of Danny's feet out of my mind. I mean, it's not the first time he snuck into my bed. I was giving Gabe a bath, more like he giving me a bath by how much water he was splashing, and I found him face down, snoring, and sprawled out on the bed. I don't know what was going on that night but he smelled of liquor and smelled of cologne he didn't own. I tried to get him to give full detail but he just looked me in the eye and said and I quote, "Just know that it was the best and possibly most illegal night of my life." I just shook my head and left it alone. 

I was about to take a bite of my bacon when I looked at the clock on the wall. 6:22am. Holy crap we're gonna be late again! I shot up and grabbed our plates and threw them in the sink hurrying up the stairs into the bathroom to get ready.

Several cuts and falls later, we finally made it out the door. We practically sprinted to Daniel's car. I opened the back door and strapped him in.  As soon as the engine roared to life, I flew down the street to Gabe's school.

They were about to close the doors when I pulled in. I parked the car in the closest spot and hailed ass to the door when it slammed close in my face. I groaned and cursed under my breath. I turned and walked back to the car. I opened the back door and sighed.

"Looks like you're staying with me today buddy." I muttered.

"No he's not." A familiar voice called from behind me. I turned and saw his teacher Mrs. March. In all honesty, I never liked her. Her husband, Roger March, is the principal of this school and she thinks she is the shit. I've got to give it to her being only 57 years old, she is in perfect shape. She has long black hair, dark eyes, and long legs. No wonder why Mr. March married her.

I scratched my neck and unbuckled Gabe letting him out of the car. I grabbed his hand and approached building making our way inside. As we moved toward her classroom, I could hear the screams and laughter of other kids. I bent down to his level and kissed his head and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Be a good boy for Mrs. March," I whispered "I love you, angel."

"I love you too, mommy." He replied in his baby voice. I gave him one last squeeze and let him walk into the class.

"Don't worry Ms. Allen. You know he is safe here. But we can't have him coming in late. This has to stop. Coming in 5 to 10 minutes is one thing but 2 hours is not acceptable." She gave me a very hard look. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Like I didn't know that. I can't help that I can't afford a car and we have to walk all the way across town.

Don't hound me about taking the bus because I tried and it didn't work out. Not because of the bus, it's because of the PEOPLE on the bus. Some lady almost ran off with Gabe one time. I broke her arm and nose.

"I know but traffic was really bad today." I said, giving a small smile hoping that excuse would work.

"Well, Ms. Allen you either need to get a new alarm clock or give Gabe to a family that can get him to school on time and provide for him." She said smartly.

My face dropped quickly. "He cannot get the proper education if he is always late." My throat suddenly went dry and all I could see was red. I cleared my throat. "Listen here," I slowly stepped closer to her making her take a step back. "Don't tell me what to do with MY son," I looked her dead in the eyes. "I know I may not be the richest parent on the planet but I am the one and only woman that can give him the love and care he needs. I know I can't always give him what he wants but I'm doing the best with what I got." I was so close to her that I caught a whiff of her Chanel perfume and coffee breath. She really needs to invest in a pack of mints.

"Now why don't you go back to teaching your classroom instead of telling me how to raise my son!" I sneered, ready to rip her head off. I rolled my eyes at the shocked expression on her face and stomped out the school.

I snatched the door open and plopped in the seat. I was livid. I know I don't have a lot of money but dammit it's enough to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. I was about to start the car when my phone rang. I answered without bothering to look at the caller ID.


"Whoa. Is that how you always answer the phone sweetheart?" The deep voice chuckled. I froze in my seat. "No. It cant be." I replied in disbelief. "Elijah. How did you get my number? And not the mention my address you ass?"

"I have my ways." I could hear the smirk on his face. I laid my head on the steering wheel and continued, "What do you want?" I really didn't have time to talk to him right now.

"I saw you go off on Mrs. March." I sat up and looked around the parking lot.

"Are you following me?" I glanced out the passenger window. A knock on the driver's window made me scream and start throwing punches. I looked out the window and saw Elijah standing there with a smug smile on his face. He gave me a small wave and motioned for me to get out the car. I had to catch my breath and wait for my heart to slow down. When it did, I opened the door and stepped out.

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