Chapter Eight (Edited)

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Nothin' On You by B.O.B ft Bruno Mars

Odette's POV

I have never been so relaxed. I was doing nothing but staring up into the light blue sky feeling the cool breeze hit my skin ever so softly. A smile grew on my face and I threw my arms above my head onto the soft bed of flowers. I recognized this as my safe place. My Safe Haven.

Suddenly, my ears filled with the angelic sound of children laughing. Pulling myself up, the sunlight temporarily blinding me, my eyes moved to the scene of the laughter and a saw an older version of Gabriel, who looked to be about 7, chasing a little girl that looked to be about the age of 4. She had long, flowing brown hair pulled into two pigtails with high cheek bones like me and bright hazel eyes like my mother. She was a splitting image of me in my younger years.

My smile widened when I saw the silhouette of a man. Though I couldn't see his face, I could tell that he was very special to me.  The way he walked seemed to set a small fire in my heart. All I could think about was how he was all mine. How I could never let him go. For some reason, seeing him made my heart sing. He snuck behind the kids and picked them up scaring them. But for only a second until he spun them around and made his way to me. He put down the little girl and she ran to me. I let out a loud laugh and caught her while falling in the process. The man and Gabe plopped down beside me with huge smiles on their faces.

"I love you, momma." The girl spoke softly. I held her close and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, princess."

Then, I felt a pair of warm, welcoming, smooth lips on my cheek. My heart fell to my stomach when I turned to look at him.


"Mommy sure is beautiful," Elijah said with a full smile and eyes filled with love. 

"Isn't she?" I swear my face was fifty different shades of red. He let out a laugh and pulled my face closer to his. I wasn't surprised when I found myself leaning his way.


I shot up in shock. I carefully took in my surroundings and found myself in my bed with Gabe by my side fast asleep. I ran a hand through the bush I call hair and took a deep breath. Why was I dreaming about Elijah? He shouldn't be in my thoughts. It's not like we could be together anyway. But with the whole 'engagement' thing going on it seems like we are bound to see each other every day.

Surprisingly, I haven't seen him in almost a week.

One week since I met his mother.

One week since I got 'engaged' to that half-wit.

I was then tossed out of my thoughts by the doorbell. I groan and slowly made my way to the front door. I've never been a morning person. If you come in my room and pull the drapes, there is already 1,000 different ways i'm plotting your death.  

I yank the door open, ready to yell at whoever was on the other side, when I saw Elijah in a suit (not surprising) with a calm look on his face.

If looks could kill, he would be in hell right now. I go to slam the door when his foot stopped it half way. I exhale and cross my arms.

"What in the blue hell do you want at 6:30 in the morning? On a Saturday?" He smirked at the ground.

"Well I was coming over to discuss somethings with you but from what I see," He looked me up and down. "You want to get to the freaky portion of this." I half-heartedly looked down at my attire which was nothing but one of Danny's old sweatshirts and knee-high purple socks. I rolled my eyes and moved to let him in. After you've had a child all that being nervous around someone half dressed goes down the toilet. 

"What do you want?" I turned away from him leading him into the kitchen and started on a fresh pot of coffee.

"I'm here because I wanted to apologize about telling my mother that we are getting engaged. I never intended on bringing you into it."

I leaned against the counter and folded my arms. "May I ask why you did such a thing?"

Elijah shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing. "I panicked. It wasn't the smartest thing to do I admit," I nodded agreeing with him. "For years, my mother has been pressuring me into marrying and having kids of my own. You know how mothers get when you reach that certain age?" I wish I did but I nodded anyway.

"Yeah well mine is ten times worse." I laugh and began pouring the coffee into cups.

"Before all of this got out of hand, I wanted to ask you a favor." I feel I already knew it was coming. "I need you to pretend to be my wife so I can get my mother off my back."

I hand him a cup and answered with a simple no. "What happened to finding a wife the old-fashioned way?"

At first he seemed shocked by my answer. I didn't see why. Why ask me when she already thinks we are getting married? Out of all the women he could get he wants me. Seems very strange to me. 

" I don't trust anyone else. Women are a pain in the ass. No offense." Yep, I'm offended. " Plus, why not? I could help you start over. You could move in with me to make it more convincing. I could give you millions. I could give you everything you have ever wanted. " He said with a little hope in his voice.

 "Because I'm not one to lie. I can't lie to your parents. To your ENTIRE family! I'm not going to do it no matter what the price." I slightly raised my voice. "Plus, I can't drop everything here just to help you out."

How dare he think he can ask me something like that? Who in the hell does he think he is?

"Please I'm begging you!" He got down on his knees and begged. My eyes widened.

Come on Odette! When is the next time you are EVER going to see a man begging on his knees? A billionaire at that!

He looked up at me in desperation. "Think about your son. Wouldn't you do anything to give him a better life? Send him to college?" Damn! He pulled the Gabriel card on me. I rolled my eyes and let out a deep breath.

"Fine." Elijah quickly gathered himself and cheered. "But," I started "I'm only doing this for my son."

"Of course. 100% for the kid. I will have a contract brought up by my lawyer and sent to you by Thursday." He pulled out his phone and started typing fiercely. He got up and headed to the front door with me trailing behind.  I go to close the door when he stopped me again. 

"I also wanted to tell you about a get together my family is having." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"And that has to do with me because?"

"You, my sweet, sweet fiancé are coming with me." 

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