Chapter 3

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"Woah!" I said breathless. literally. "First things first," Hanako said proudly, " You need to meet the other wonders...."

"So," Hanako said, gliding towards me. His nose was inches away from my own, I could feel his cold presence. He grinned at me in my flustered state. "Who will it be, just pick a number between 1-6. It'll be like a surprise!" I glided backwards, unhappy of the lack of personal space I was receiving. "No.5!" I blurted out. Hanako was making me a little nervous with the way he behaved. Hanako smiled at me. "You'll like this one," he said Mysteriously. Suddenly and out of nowhere, he grabs my wrist and led me out the door. I shrieked in surprise as we made our way down corridors and stairways, passing students who were late for class. I watched them mournfully as they completed their everyday lives while mine was gone, was this what I wanted?

We stopped outside a pair of old, oak double doors, with deep indents of swirling patterns. Not visible as anything in particular but beautiful all the same. "The library?" I asked uncertainly "Yup" hanako said nodding, " It's not exactly four O'clock yet but that doesn't matter" Hanako murmured to himself. I laughed "you're being Mysterious on purpose aren't you?" He looked at me for a second, and finally held both of his hands up in defeat. "Alright, you caught me. It was too good an opportunity though" I pushed him slightly, being grateful my hands didn't scythe straight through his skin like it did other people's. He pushed the door open and led me to a bookshelf at the back of the room and walked right through it! A few seconds passed before anything happened, when. Suddenly, Hanakos hand appeared slicing straight through the books. I reached out and grabbed ahold and he pulled me inside. For the fifth wonders boundary this wasn't what I was expecting. A long corridor stretched out Infront of me with bookshelves on either side. It was too gloomy to make out the very end of the corridor, there were just very dim lamps occasionally, and the further down the corridor you looked, the smaller and dimmer they became. The spiders in here had no fear of their homes being swept away, as It was clear no-one had been down here for a good clean up in a long time. The floor had a thick layer of dust upon it, very much like a carpet, and books were stuffed on every shelf, surprisingly neatly. The books were all the same size in height, but different lengths. I wondered what stories they held. A small pink rabbit held a lamp out to me and I thanked it gratefully. These were the Mokke Hanako had told me about"Well, what do you think?" Hanako asked expectantly. I didn't really know what to say, for my first choice this wasn't the best of boundaries. "It's pretty cool." I said, walking over to the shelves, my feet tapping on the floor. I looked at the titles. It confused me that all of the books were either black or white, and they all seemed to have people's names on them. When I went to open a black one that was labelled 'Yugi-Tsukasa' Hanako stopped me. Resting a hand on my shoulder, he made me jump and I dropped the book as well as the lamp. They crashed to the floor making me jump even higher. "Wouldn't do that if I were you." He whispered in my ear.

I heard footsteps in the distance and turned around as a teacher walked over. He had choppy purple and white hair with crescent spectacles, and he wore a log white lab coat. Hanako merged into the shadows making himself unseen. I recognized the teacher as Mr Tschuchigamori he walked right towards me "What do you think you are doing?" He asked me in disbelief. Wait! I'm dead. How can he see me? Mr Tschuchigamori paused then grinned. "Yanomi! I was expecting you! Come out Honourable No.7, I know you are there." Hanako came from the shadows again smiling, I noticed the black book from earlier was no longer on the floor.
An arm crept behind Mr Tschuchigamori and while I was struggling to figure out how he could see me and five more appeared. They spread out from behind him. "Yanomi meet school wonder No.5 Me Tschuchigamori, AKA the four o'clock library....

(Woah I'm getting through these chapters faster than I planned! Thanks for reading!!)
767 words exactly

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