Chapter 6

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"Soon after he left I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering. Was it the right thing to do? Am I really ready? I guess now, it's too late......"

When I awoke the room I lay in was flooded in light, and I was so comfortable I didn't want to rise. Until Hanako burst through the door that is. "Rise and shine, Yanomi!" I groaned and hid my head under the quilted blanket. "Five more minutes" I mumbled. I heard Hanako laugh, but I couldn't quite hear where from. Until he pulled the blanket up. "Come on!" He said, chucking the blanket away, "You've got more apparitions to meet!" I yawned sleepily. "Who?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. I had forgotten to remove my glasses before I went to bed the previous night so I had marks under my eyes. Hanako smiled nervously. " two might not get along together, but you have to be introduced so no time like the present!" He forced a grin and told me to 'hurrg up!' I wonder who we were going to meet....
{Time skip brought to you by me not wanting to describe Yanomis whole routine because she is a ghost and meh}

Half an hour later me and No.7 were gliding along corridors in the way to meet another wonder.
"So which number wonder are we going to meet, Hanako?" I asked the ghostly boy as we turned yet another corridor. He tapped his nose at me and winked before replying "Ahh but that would be telling!" I sighed at his childlike behaviour, was this my eternity now? "Pleeaaasseeee?" I pouted. Hanako laughed at me, "You are so impatient, Yanomi! We are nearly there." We passed another hallway and walked into the art corridor. Looming at the end was the art corridor rumoured to be so haunted it had been closed off.  Shadow gathered at the end of the hallway and light collected above my head. Creating an ominous aura. "You two may not get along," hanako said in his usual cheery tone, "but it is law, whether you like it or not, as one of the head wonders you need to meet the others...." He trailed off as though he wanted to say more. He glided down the corridor. Before as we were on our way he seemed to do so effortlessly, but now he hesitated with every mid-air step. I followed reluctantly and after what seemed forever, we reached the end of the corridor. Hanako pushed the door open with s shaky hand and said "Yanomi, may I introduce wonder No.4 Shijima-san of the art room."

{Woah! I'm sorry this took so long to post for all it's so short. It's finally the weekend and I've been so busy with school work lately :/ I will try and post more often but I have alot of end of year test coming up so idk yet. Thanks for reading :) byee }

Word count: 504 words exactly

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