Chapter 5

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"Come, Yanomi, it is time you saw your boundary..."

After Hanako had led me to my old classroom, we stood outside the door. I was speechless, nothing had changed at all though. It's just, seeing the place I died. It was an ordeal and a half for me, alright? Hanako pushed the door open and we walked inside. Everything was as it was before I died. The tables were neat and pristine as they were that morning before school. And there was writing on the black board with the date at the top. I bet when the teacher wrote that she didn't think I would see it the next day, as a reminder of my date of death. I looked at my desk in the corner, It was the only desk (apart from the teachers) that had stuff on. There was my old notebook laying face up and shut. My lucky pen was there too neatly next to it. I walked over to my chair and sat down everything was as it was and is supposed to be, but there was one thing different. "Hanako, what's that?" I asked pointing at a sticker that was stuck to the front of my notebook. Picking it up, Hanako said "It's a seal, this book if your Yorishiro". Having learnt about Yorishiros were yesterday, I knew what this was, so Hanako didn't need to explain. I opened it up and was partially disappointed to find the tedious writing from when I was alive. "Come, Yanomi! There is something I want to show you that I think you might like!" Leading me over to the supply closet he opened the door and stepped inside. "Welcome, Yanomi, to your boundary!" I stepped inside the closet and was amazed. It was similar to Mr Tschuchigamori's boundary, except everything was pristine and the book colours were all a pale turquoise, the same colour as my original notebook. And these books too, had names on them. "Your boundary works in a similar way to Number 5s, except you can write whatever you wish in each book, to change someones future." I looked in awe at all the books. " How would I find the correct book?" I asked quietly. Hanako stepped forward and loudly and clearly said, "Nene-Yashiro" a book flew forward and landed in my hands.
'woah' I thought. "There are limits though." Hanako said seriously. "You can only write a new future for someone if they come to you. You are a bit like me a shijima-mei combined." I looked puzzled and Hanako explained Shijima was the sixth wonder, and she could draw pictures to change and tell the future. "You know how the rumours work right? Whatever rumour currently spread about you, you have to obey it. Currently there is no solid rumour, so you are free, for now." I tried to explain how people spoke about me and Hanako looked surprised "That's the fastest rumour spreading I have heard in a while, I guess you do have work to do. Okay so how this works is someone will come and summon you, they will ask you to change something about their future, bear in mind the past is unchangeable. The fun part is you can change their future in any way you like, and add your own conditions and terms. Does that make sense?" I nodded solemnly. I understand my role now. "Great!" Hanako exclaimed. Eyes shining, he led me to a room near the middle of the corridor. "This is your private space" hanako said opening the door. "It is called your Anzen'na hinansho {AUTHORS NOTE: Anzen'na hinansho can be translated to 'safe haven'. This aspect of the storyline was my idea and not created by the creators of TBHK. I only thought of this because I didn't know whether or not apparitions slept and I thought they all need a bedroom XD} Noone can enter your Anzen'na hinansho apart from you, unless you give them permission." He indicated that I entered, so I did and what a room it was. There was a large bed directly in the middle, and a desk in the corner. Posters and photographs covered the wall. The photos were pictures of the other wonders and funny selfies of Hanako. There was a picture of my family aswell. A small clock on the wall told me it was 8pm and I was incredibly tired.I thanked Hanako for showing me around, and he took the hint and left. Saying be would come for me tomorrow.

Soon after he left I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering. Was it the right thing to do? Am I really ready? I guess now, it's too late......

(Oooh getting mysterious now!! Thanks for reading!!!!)
Woah! 800 words exactly

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