13th Day

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Everyone had started their regular training as the sun rose, Uttara sat in her room twiddling her thumbs anxious about something but she couldn't figure out why... silence engulfed the room, the atmosphere seemed heavy, there was dread lacing the room but it was unclear why

Uttara goes outside where all the men are preparing as dread slowly builds up inside her "Uttara? What're you doing here?" Arjun asks

"Nothing pitashree... I was just uneasy in my room, how are the practices? I-"

"Parth we need to go to matsya, some of duryodhan's troops are attacking there as well, we need to stop them" Krishna says

"Yes Madhav, but we'll need to go alone, I won't want to risk losing soldiers"

"Mamashree, are you sure it's okay for pitashree to go? Everyone is needed in this war..."

"Yes Uttara but protecting Matsya is important as well" Krishna reasons but Uttara, who has prided herself in being the princess of Matsya and surely didn't want any type of harm to her kingdom, felt like there might be a larger threat here, that Arjun was needed, but surely that would sound insane

Krishna noticed the young girl's hesitency "Everything will happen as it should putri" Krishna assures hiding his tears knowing that Uttara's thoughts lied near the inevitable

Uttara then leaves to see all the Upapandavas, a spot was left for her brother in rememberence, a bow quite similar to his layed on a low rock structure where he usually stood to practice, Uttara could feel tears welling up... it was a small gesture yes, but a meaningful one to her, one that brought her much joy especially in a time like this.

"Devi?" Abhimayu called from behind and she quickly wiped her tears and turned to face him

He lovingly cupped her face with a soft smile that could chase off her tears, but today it didn't, after seeing her brother's rememberence and Abhimanyu right after it she could stop her tears and hugged him

He slowly caressed her cheek whispering reassuring words in her ear

"Arya please don't go today... I'm worried" Uttara pleads

"Devi you know better than anyone that a warrior must fight, I have to go"

"No! What if- what if something happens to you? I just have a bad feeling about this love please just today"

"I'll never leave you Devi, I can't promise my life, but I'll always be with you in some form" he says lovingly wiping her tears

Uttara hugs him tight relaxing into his warm embrace as she feels him softly peck her forehead and nuzzles her hair reassuringly

Soon everyone went out into battle, Uttara tried to ignore the unsettling feeling that grew inside of her, she paced around in her room endlessly frequently asking the dasis around her how much longer would it be to sunset, but the minutes passed slowly

Draupadi walked in and noticed Uttara's distress "putri? What's the matter? Why're you pacing around?" She asked as she furrowed her eyebrows in worry

"I'm not sure mata... I just have this feeling... dread almost, I'm scared something might happen to Arya"

"Putri Uttara you don't need to worry about Abhimanyu, he will be fine and he made a promised you to spend the rest of his life with you, he'll come back, you don't need worry"

"Yes but I can't get over-" Uttara pauses as a dasi enters her tent

"All hail the samragni" the dasi greets Draupadi "We found this outside" she says as she brings a plate with red fabric covering it and on it was the band that Panchali had made for Abhimanyu to protect him to the war

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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