Shakuni's Condition

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"Uttara... did you know about this?" Sahdev asked

"Kakashree.... Um.. about what?" Uttara says in a slight panic

"That someone was trying to kill you!?!?" Deva says

"I..." Uttara says looking around and fidgeting with her fingers

"Uttara, he's asking you, did you kno-"

"Devi! Don't tell them anything about the attackers" Abhimanyu says bursting into the room

Uttara gives him the death glare "Oh you didn't say anything... I said something... I should probably go now right Devi?"

"What attackers Abhimanyu? Arjun asks trying to be calm

"It's really nothing dad, it's just..."

"Thieves!" Uttara says

"Thieves?" Arjun asks looking sternly

Abhimanyu and Uttara look at each other with Uttara slightly shaking her head, but Abhimanyu looked like he was asking her why, it was as if they could have a whole conversation without even talking

After a while of their game of charades Uttara finally gave up

"Pitashree, Kakashree... don't panic... but there were two attempts to kill me..."

"Two? Wasn't it just one? Just the people who in the forest" Abhimanyu says confused

"The snake was also a plot to kill me..."

"Snake? How did you know a snake was also a plot to kill you?" Sahdev asked

"It stood on Arya's shoulder and when I tried to get it off it tried attacking me as if... as if it knew it was me"

Sahdev looks at the small cup with kheer that was now blue "Venom... they used venom" Sahdev takes a closer look "Bhaiya... it's Iravan's" Sahdev looks at them shocked

"Iravan? Why would Iravan come here?" Arjun asks confused

"And even if he did, why would bhaiya try to harm us" Abhimanyu asks

"Whoever did this must've met him within the past few days... and were close to him, it's not that easy to just steal"

"So if we find someone who came here and met Iravan then we know that they tried to poison me?" Uttara asks

"Exactly... but who'd meet Iravan? Especially now? Arjun asks

"That doesn't matter now! We need to make sure Devi isn't hurt!"

"Arya you can't just protect me forever... we need to do something about-"

"Abhi's right! We need to make sure Uttara is safe" Arjun says

Everyone starts going to their rooms, along the way the young couple see Vaidehi and Vihaan

"Viratika, what are you doing here?" Vaidehi asks extremely confused

"It's my palace Vaidehi, where else would I be?" Uttara says chuckling

"Uh... it's nothing"

Soon Rajkumari Vaidehi left with her family and it was finally time to get justice for Panchali

Abhimanyu and Uttara have been training rigorously, and with Arjun as well

Soon it was time to go to the dharmshektra and everyone started making their way there

"Putri Uttara, why are you coming now? You should come with your mother"

"No mata I want to be with Arya, I promised him I'd be with him" she says holding Abhimanyu's hand

Soon everything was set up and the princesses retired to their tents while the princes went to discuss about the war

A few hours passed by, Uttara decided to entertain herself by painting, starting with her brushes but ends up painting with her fingers

Every detail painted perfectly from memory, like she was reliving that moment, she could remember the laughs, the smiles she shared with her love, and she smiled more thinking of everything that will come of her life, she'd live happily with Abhimanyu, she'll be his only love, his everything

Suddenly and arrow shot through the tent hitting the mini target that stood on the wall, breaking Uttara's thoughts, and more followed it and soon so did Abhimanyu his footsteps roared in frustration

"None of them have the right to call themselves royals!!! Idiots!! Nothing but cheaters!!!" Abhimanyu says as he enters the tent

"What happened love?" Uttara says coming closer to Abhimanyu

"Those Kauravas! They banned woman from fighting!! Cause they're afraid that a girl will beat them!!"

Uttara looks at him stunned, she wanted to fight, reveal to everyone that she isn't some innocent princess, but that wasn't important right now, she needed to focus on Abhimanyu "Calm down arya, it's okay, you'll be fighting right? That's enough for me, just keep your promise"

"No Devi it isn't fine! All of them are hiding behind pitamah! They can't even fight!"

"Please calm down love, you don't need to panic, you need to be calm and patient... please?"

Abhimanyu sighs, calming down slightly and hugs Uttara close, his anger slowly disappearing with her touch

They pulls away, a small smile marking Abhimanyu's face, he notices Uttara's hands and the canvas "What did you paint Devi?"

"It's a surprise, I'm almost done, now stand still, I still have to paint your eyes"

Uttara looks at Abhimanyu's eyes, and loses her train of thought, his eyes drawing her in, wanting her to hug him tightly, she suddenly realizes what she's doing and resumes her painting

Abhimanyu on the other hand, shifted his gaze from Uttara's eyes to her lips as she was biting them ever so slightly trying to ensure the painting comes out perfectly

Uttara's mind, although trying to focus on her painting, would rather focus on Abhimanyu, how his eyes glistened, how his smile was enough to evaporate her worries and how his touch could make her melt into him, but her mind urged her to get the painting done

After a while the painting finally finished and Abhimanyu comes behind her, wrapping his arms around her lovingly

"It's beautiful devi" Abhimanyu says

"You're saying that cause it's us Arya" Uttara chuckles

"No love, it really is beautiful"

The rest of the evening was filled with smiles and laughs, moments to cherish as the young couple fell more and more into love with each other

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