To Dwaraka

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The next day Arjun goes to Dwaraka, he didn't know how to feel, he was nervous but at the same time happy, before he can even completely understand what he's feeling he's there

He really wants to see his son, but decides to go see Krishna instead, and he realizes that he made the right decesion as Balaram said that he nor would be a part of the impending war, but he sees Duryodhan already there, and takes a seat near Krishna's feet

Krishna opens his eyes and sees Arjun "Parth, when did you come?" Krishna asks as if he's shocked

"I came just now, how are you Madhav?"

"I am much better now that you are here Parth, now tell me what was so urgent that you came to me before going to your son"

"Before you ask me you must ask Bhratashee Duryodhan, he was here before me"

Duryodhan smiles with arrogence and pride

"Yes, yes, but I saw you first, but I know what you both are here for, so I'll tell you your options, the first one if my army, the best in the entire aryaverth, suitable for defeating any kingdom even Hastinapur, but I warn you an army is as good as its leader, or me, a single, weaponless man"

"I-" Duryodhan says before being cut off by Krishna

"Parth you choose first"

Arjun looks at Duryodhan and then at Krishna "Choose Parth, you only have two options"

"I choose you Madhav, I know that if you're by our side we have no defeat" 

Krishna smiles proudly, while Duryodhan smirks arrogently thinking of Arjun's stupidity, but little does he know, that he was about to make the wrong choice

"Very well Bhrata Arjun, since you picked Krishna, I will take his army"

"Now go on Parth, go to your son, he's been waiting for you"

"He knows I'm coming?"

"No, he has been waiting for you for the past 13 years, and for the past 13 years, I have tried to make him as great as a warrior as you"

"I believe that you made him a better warrior than me Madhav"

"Parth, do you want me to tell you how he looks like? So it will be eaiser to find him, you haven't seen him in years"

"No need Madhav, I'll find him, after all I am his father"

Arjun goes to find Abhimanyu but sees four boys training, but he doesn't seem to know which one is Abhimanyu then he gets an idea, he decides to take one of his arrows, break it into pieces and throw them

All the boys looked away or got hit, except one, this boy caught the piece, my Abhimanyu, Arjun thought

"Abhimanyu" Arjun calls lovingly

Abhimanyu knew exactly who this man was, he knew he was his father Rajkumar Arjun

"Pithashree" Abhimanyu says as he comes towards him

"How are you Putr? It's been so long since I've seen you, it feels like just yesterday you were walking and following your Jyesht Mata around fascinated with everything she was doing, you've grown up to be smart and handsome"

"I'm fine Pithashree, did Draupadi Mata come with you?" Abhimanyu asks looking around

"Even now you don't care about your Pithashree, all you care is about your Draupadi Mata"

Abhimanyu hug Arjun "I care about you, alot, I care about all of you, that is why I want to talk to Draupadi Mata, when you left I didn't know what was happening, I couldn't say anything, but as I grew up, I understood how Draupadi Mata felt, she had no one to talk to, for the past 13 years she had to prison her worries inside of her, Subhadra Mata didn't need to do that, she had Mamashree, Bua to talk to, Draupadi Mata had no one"

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