Secrets Revealed

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Draupadi heard Krishna telling Maharani Sudeshna that Uttara and Abhimanyu's son will become the heir of Hastnapur and her heart stops, she decides to go as Krishna himself about it

"Govind, I heard-"

"Me talking to Maharani Sudeshna about Uttara and Abhimanyu's son?"

"Yeah, I was wondering how, Pritivindhya has the right to the throne, how can Uttara and Abhimanyu's son get it, and if Abhimanyu ends an era, why can't he start another"

"Sakhi You know the answer to that, you just don't want to accept it"

"Abhi- Abhimanyu is going to die, all my sons are going to die, no I can't have this war this war can't happen if it does I can't be happy"

"Did I tell you Sakhi? Did I tell you that war brings happiness, all war brings is death and misery and because of this war everyone will face death and misery"

"I don't want this war Govind, please"

"Okay, that's fine, we will just split Dwaraka into two pieces, and give you half, but what good does that bring you Sakhi? You were born for a purpose, and this war is your purpose"

"But Govind my sons"

"Sakhi, this war needs to be done to stop people like Duryodhan, to teach them all a lesson that if you mess with a woman you will die, it should teach them a lesson to follow Dhram, think about it Sakhi"

Draupadi makes her way back to her chamber defeated, she couldn't save her sons there was no way to save them all of them were going to die

The next morning a story teller came and started telling everyone the story of Krishna and through that story Krishna convinced Draupadi to go along with this war

"Why don't we end this story with a dance, I heard Uttara dances very well" Krishna says

"Of course Shree Krishna let me just get ready" Uttara gets ready but by the time she comes out she can't seem to find Abhimanyu or Uttar

"Abhimanyu had to go get something" Draupadi says noticing Uttara's wondering eyes

Uttara goes to get the beat drum "Oh Shree Krishna I wish my teacher Brihannala was here, who is capable of using this drum so I can perform for you?" Uttara says making everyone laugh

"Pitashree Arjun, can you please use this drum to help me keep up with the beat?" Uttara asks innocently even making Arjun laugh

"Of course Putri, what kind of Pitashree would I be if I don't make my daughter-in-law's wishes come true"

Uttara dances gracefully making Arjun proud and everyone amused and just as she is finished Uttar and Abhimanyu come

"Devi, who is dance going to help you? you may look graceful and beautiful, but what is the point of it? If someone attacks you, you can't use dance" Abhimanyu says

Uttara looks at Arjun and smirks "Let's see Arya" Uttara takes a sword that is next to her and throws at Abhimanyu "Attack me Arya, and I'll show you"

"Uttara why do-" Maharani Sudeshna starts asking

"I won't get hurt Mata, now Arya attack me, no wait, let's make this more interesting" She goes to Arjun and whispers the beat she wants him to play, after a while of whispering Uttara comes back on to the center of the room ready

"Devi I can't attack you, you're unarmed" Abhimanyu protests

"Arya nothing will happen, I promise you, now attack"

Abhimanyu reluctantly starts attacking but Uttara seems to escape every time until he puts the sword to her throat to which she smiles and caresses his face and when he loosened the grip on his sword she spun out with it and threw it back and each time Abhimanyu didn't come close

As the song was ending Uttara spun around taking the sword from Abhimanyu and throwing it near Krishna's feet as a way of taking his blessing

The song ends and everyone is in awe especially Abhimanyu "Devi where did you learn dance like that? It was amazing who was your teacher?" 

Uttara looks at Arjun who was signaling her not to tell Abhimanyu "My teacher was a woman named Brihannala"

"That name sounds very familiar" Abhimanyu says as he seem both Draupadi and Subhadra trying to hold in their laughter

"Devi, who is this Brihannala?"

Uttara gives an aplogitic look to Arjun "It's your Pitashree, he thought me when he was here on exile" to which Abhimanyu bursts out laughing as well

"In this happy time I take this oppertunity to annouce that Uttara and Abhimanyu's wedding will be held in one week" Maharaj Virata annouces filling the room with more joy

"One Week?" Uttara and Abhimanyu say together

"Putr is there any problem?" Maharaj Virata asks with concern

"Uttara, what's wrong with one week" Maharani Sudeshna asks

"It's just that if I get married Jyesht Mata won't let me go to war, and say that it isn't right, and maybe I won't want to fight"

Uttara smiles, she knows that she will fight in the war as well but still hasn't revealed it to anyone including Abhimanyu "Arya, I will make you go to war even if Draupadi Mata says you can't, and if you won't go I can't marry you-"

"Devi don't say that, I will fight, okay now tell me why you had a problem with one week?"

"There is so much stuff to do and one week isn't enough"

"That's all I got scared" Maharani Sudeshna said

That night Abhimanyu was walking alone while Uttara snuck out a window with her bow and sachel of arrows, she knew it was a big risk but she needed to something to clear her mind and painting just wasn't enough anymore, and headed into the forest where she usually practices

Abhimanyu was walking and he heard what he thought to be the shooting of arrows and goes to investigate out of couriosity of who is practicing at such an hour that too in the forest

He is shocked to see a girl in blouse of a lehenga which ended right above her waist and what looked to be a sari wapped in a dhoti style, with no jewlery except simple ear rings, a chain, and one bangle on her right hand. and a white horse near her which seemed to be resting

He knew exactly who this girl was it was his Uttara, his wife, well not wife yet, but his future wife, practicing archery


Hello lovely people, I wanted to tell everyone at once that I won't be updating much until the 29th, I have my university admissions exam that day. I'll try to update but no promises.

I just wanted to tell everyone at the same time because of all the messages asking me to update, but I really don't mind them as it shows me how much all of you are enjoying this book so thank you!

- Akshu❤️

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