Pandavas Enter

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After a few days a woman comes looking for Maharaja Virata

"Who are you?" The Maharaja asks

"Pranipaat Maharaja, I teach dance to children, I heard that you wanted the best teacher for Matya desh's princess"

"Excellent, what is your name?"


Brihannala was infact Rajkumar Arjun in disguse in his 13th year of exile

"Maharaja Virata" Says another voice "Your wife, Maharani Sudeshna, requested a hair stylest" This was Draupadi in her disguse

"Oh yes, she did, dasi, show them their rooms" 

The dasi takes them to their chambers

Soon there all the pandavas settled in the kingdom seperately with Yudistir as the minister, Bheem as the cook, Sahadev as a cow hearder, and Nakul as a stableman looking over horses

"Rajkumari" Brihannala calls Uttara

"Who are you?"

"Pranipaat Rajkumari, My name is Brihannala, I came to teach you dance, but only if you want to learn"

Uttara jumps off her bed "I want to learn Brihannala, teach me please"

"Why such an interest in dance Rajkumari?"

"I just like dance that's all" Uttara says hiding the real reason


Uttara was with her friends Rajkumari Madhu, Rajkumari Anjali, and Rajkumari Geeta

"You know Uttara, there is a prince in Dwaraka that is the best warrior?" Madhu says

"And he looks amazing" Anjali adds

"Who is he?"

"He's Rajkumar Arjun's son Rajkumar Abhimanyu" Geeta replies

"Not only that, I heard he has a fasination with dance"

"Dance?" Uttara asks

Then Madhu, Anjali, and Geeta tell everything they knew about Abhimanyu and somewhere Uttara fell in love with his personality, just like Rukmini did with Krishna


A few days go by of Uttara learning dance

"Rajkumari, I think you are learning for someone else" Brihannala says

"No, no, Brihannala, it's nothing like that, I'm learning because I want to learn"

"If you say so Rajkumari" But Brihannala saw a twinkle in Uttara's eyes, it was the same twinkle that he saw in Subhadra and Draupadi when they were doing something for him, but he didn't know who caused the twinkle, but then his eyes land on her hands "Rajkumari, why are your hands like that? They look as if you've been training with weapons"

"Brihannala, you are too suspicious, this was because of a festival that happened before you arrived, my brother and I helped pull a large chariot with rope"

"Oh, okay" Brihannala says but isn't completely convinced

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