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Maxines POV
"So Alessandro" I say looking up at him
"Hm?" He hums
"I don't know much about you. Tell me some stuff" I ask
"Okay... my name is Alessandro Arden Taren I'm 24 years old. I never knew who my parents were because they put me in a foster home before I was 2 months old. I was raised in Italy. I went from foster home to foster home never got adopted. When I was 18 I was kicked out basically. I have PTSD, Epilepsy and depression. I came here when I was 18 by driving btw I kinda stole a car." He started
"Any past girlfriends, boyfriends maybe?" I ask
"Two long term girlfriends. Livia. Girlfriend from one foster home who cheated on me. And Meg. A girl who I was dating and then... ghosted me" he explained
"Well that's a bitchy thing to do did you have any boyfriends?" I questioned
"One guy it wasn't long term cause he just didn't seem like the right person" he shrugged
"What's your sexuality" I probed
"I'm pansexual" he admitted
"I'm Bisexual" I commented
"Wait for some reason I completely forgot, whose the oldest of you siblings?"
"I'm the oldest I'm 23, Alexandra is 21,Elijah is 21 he's only 11 months younger then Alex, Josephine is 18, Oli is 16" I went on
"Big family" he commented
"I probably have more I don't know about" I rolled my eyes
"All of you have the last name "Beck" correct?" He asks
"Yeah my dads last name is Beck so all of his kids, that I know of, use the last name Beck" I explain
"And I thought I knew everything about you" he laughs
"What do you know about me?" I asked
"I know you use to date a jackass name Jacob" he snickered
"Ugh I hate him" I huffed
"Yeah he was something else" he mumbled
I loved these conversations
We were laying in bed naked from last nights activities
Aless was playing with my hair
I was laying on top of him listening to him talk
I loved deep conversations
"What's your... favorite color?" I ask
"I like yellow" I Smiled
"What's your favorite movie?" I ask
"I don't watch movies" he states
"you don't watch movies?! Who am I dating? Oh my god what the hell" I overreact
"I don't like movies they just aren't for me" he laughs at my exaggeration
"Okay...who do you love? Even tho you don't really know your family you have to love someone" I pointed out
"You, I love you Cara" he states
"I love you more" I smile
He pulls me in for a passionate but soft kiss
He was harsh last night but now he was being very soft and gentle

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