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Maxines POV
"Alessandro" I called out in an confused tone
"Aless where are you" I questioned
I walked into the kitchen to see Aless having a seizure on the couch
"Shit shit shit shit" I grabbed his phone and called the first person that came to my mind
He picked up right away
"Nice to talk to you again brother but I need help" I say
"Maxine where is alessandro" he shouts
"Hes having a seizure i need help i dont know what to do" I snap
"Turn him on his side if it doesnt pass in 2 minutes call 911" he Directs
I turn alessandro onto his side and stay on the phone with Elijah
"Elijah why" I ask bursting into tears
"Max" is all he says
I see alessandro stops having his seizure
I put my phone down and shake alessandro a little
"Alessandro" I  say nervously
"Hi cara" I hear him mumble
I pull him in and hug him tightly
"You okay?" I question
"Hello" I hear elijah say
"Im okay" Aless confirm while picking up the phone
"Im fine elijah im fine" Alessandro says into the phone
"You called my sister "dear" Aless" elijah responds
"Maxine is my girlfriend your okay with that right?" Alessandro utters
"Yeah of course as long as you don't hurt her" Elijah speaks
Alessandro hangs up and looks back at me
"Im so sorry I didn't hear you im so sorry that happened" I whimper
"Hey its okay I didn't tell you i have epilepsy its okay" he states
"I got so scared" I hitched
"i'd never let anything happen to you okay? I'll be okay as well you'll always be safe with me okay?" He held my face in his hand
I felt so loved in that moment
Not the type of love im use to
"I've seen how much those other guys hurt you baby you fell in love with every boy you dated even if they didn't feel the same way" he went on "and even if you don't feel the same I have loved you since the day your brother told me who you were and I knew I wanted you. If I had a bad day i'd watch you i'd see you dancing around in a bra and underwear" he let out a small chuckle. "And I wanted to kill everyone who hurt you. Even if we don't make it as a couple I want you to know I will always love you. You've left a mark on me Max. I'll look for a little bit of you in every girl I meet." He ended
"We'll make it Aless We can make it" I say with tears in my eyes
"And we'll get married and ill give you everything you ever wanted" aless said while wiping my eyes
"And we'll have kids" I sniff
"Well i dont know about kids"
"You dont want kids" I shout
"I didnt have a dad I don't know how to be a dad i dont know how to... Dad" he speaks
"You'd be a great father alessandro I really want kids" I say
"I'll think about it Cara"

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