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Alessandros POV
"Come on Mio Caro" I rub her back
"Why are we back at the mountain" she asks
"I do something"
Max is now 9 months pregnant I knew the babies would come any day now
It was a day before her due date and I was overwhelmed with joy
I brought her to the edge and held her hand
"Cara this place use to mean the world to me. But now you and those two babies mean the world to me. You were the first person I brought here. You. I asked you to be my girlfriend here." The color left my face as a gunshot went off. Max looked down at the blood seeping through my shirt as I fell to the floor
Max's POV
Shit shit shit shit shit
No no no no no
I reached to Alessandros back pocket to grab his gun and started to shoot where the gunshot came from
I had never shot a gun before but I knew with the anger I have right now I could do anything
I was angry
Who ever shot that gun is taking the person I love the most
I threw the gun to the floor and took my sweater off
I put the sweater on the shot wound
I didn't say anything but called 911
"My boyfriend he got shot" I explained to the operator where we were and what happened
"Aless you'll be fine" I broke down into tears
He removed a little black box from his pocket
"Marry me Maxine. You are the most important thing in the world. We need to dance to A Thousand years and the twins will be there and I'll live and you'll be my wife and we'll have a amazing life" his breath hitched trying to hold back the tears
"Yes yes Alessandro I'll marry you but please please don't die on me I need you" I begged while slipping the ring on so I wouldn't forget
"I need you I need your help with the kids and I need you to take me to Italy like your promised" I sobbed
He promised me he'd take me to Italy on our honeymoon
I saw he started to lose to much blood
"Please Please Alessandro don't die on me please please" I held his face in my hands as I felt something pop
My water
My water broke
"You said your mom named Alexandra, Alexandra because her passed boyfriends name was Alexander?"
I did tell him that
Alex's name is Alex cause Monica's ex who died was named Alexander
"No no no no no" I sobbed knowing what he was gonna say
"Name baby girl Alessandra" he says wiping the tears from my eyes
"Alessandro please don't leave me" I cry
"I'm not afraid to die" he restated Sofia's words "I'm afraid one of the fucked up things I did, ends up sending me to a different place and we'll never see each other"
We read The book Ace together on one of the sleepless nights I had durning the pregnancy
We both cried like babies while reading
I started to hear sirens
"I love you" he tells me
"I love you so much I couldn't have ever asked for a better girlfriend or a better mother to my kids" he goes on "I will always love you and the twins and I want you to tell them that WE love them because I want them to know I love them and I will always love them" he says rubbing my cheek
"I love you so much" I tell him
"Wait for me?" I say crying to hide my cries
"Ofc Cara"
He says before his eyes slowly start to shut
"No no no no no Aless please Alessandro please" I sob
I see the paramedics pull up
"Ma'am your water broke we're gonna need to take you to the hospital" the doctor tells me
"NO no no no no" I sob before feeling someone pull me away from Alessandros dead body before feeling my eyes start to shut and my body getting light

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