573 24 22

"'Love her,
Leave her

- Atticus



Slamming the door behind him, everyone tried to catch up with a hurried Kage, who was trembling.

"The beacon is about two hundred meters!" Monty called out.

"Kage, slow down," Bear asserted,"we're in Azgeda territory... I'd rather not get speared in the stomach, again."

Grasping his shoulder, Kage was reeled back by the girls strength, as her fingers seemed to flex, moulding into his bones. She really had an unnerving strength about her.

"Remember, rules of engagement are non-lethal force," Bellamy listed off,"right formation on my command... Raven, you stay in the rover."

Going to step forth into the woods, Kage was jolted back a step, as Bear analysed the clearing laid out before them. She did not like being this close to ice nation one bit.

"Yeah, right," Raven muttered, shoving off Bellamy's arm.

"We need every gun we've got," Octavia pointed out.

"They're... moving," Monty suddenly called out,"the beacon is now one hundred and twenty meters away."

A voice called out in the distance, in trigedasleng, which made Bear shove Kage behind her as she held to a small throwing knife.

"They're our people," Monty stuttered out at the sight of Bellamy raising his gun,"what are you-"

"We don't know for sure," Bear cut off,"hope can be a dangerous thing."

Horses suddenly trudged through the trees clearing, their necks ringed with blood as their fur looked like snowflakes woven together by white bark.

Their riders were emblazoned with clothes of fur, their armour were shades of a winter storm about to rage doom upon the icy mountains of somewhere far and cold.

The faces were covered in white paint... ice nation.

Bear twitched, feeling the need to grab Miller's arm and run just like she had done months ago. Instead, she allowed Kage to rest his gun on her shoulder, as she clenched the hilt of her knife.

Stepping forth, Octavia sheathed her sword, raising her arms in sign of surrender.

"Chon yu bilaik" one of the men called out, his voice like two stones being grinded together.

"Skaikru," Octavia called out,"we're looking gon our kru!"

"Ser gon Wanheda," the women in the back called out to the man standing forth.

Slowly sliding from the back of the horse, the ice nations soldiers eyes looked to be crying tears of red.

"They think we're looking for wanheda," Octavia whispered.

"Who's that?" Bear asked.

"No clue."

As he stepped forward, everyone took notice of the flashing light hanging around the mans neck, it's red tint like a warning sign.

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