i. shakespearean english is ridiculous

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-August 1899-

THAT NIGHT, Anne couldn't stop smiling as her mind replayed those moments on a loop. It was going to be stuck there forever, but she didn't quite mind.

Anne grabbed her suitcase and ran out the door, preparing to catch the next train to Queens. However, she was met with another sight. Gilbert Blythe. He stood there, looking ever so sharp and even more handsome than usual in his dark suit.

She set her suitcase on the porch and slowly walked toward down the steps him, wondering what he wanted and what he was doing back here in Green Gables. Shouldn't he have been in Toronto by now?

They were naturally attracted like magnets, their eyes never leaving each other. Anne felt as if she could get lost in those shimmering hazel pools forever and not find a way out.

Gilbert thought he'd need a map to find a way out of Anne's mesmerizing gray eyes.

There was a split second of unspoken silence, but Anne had too much to say. She had too many questions to ask. The brief moment of tension hung in the air, and then Gilbert gently touched her cheek. Before she knew it, her lips were pressed against his.

Oh, it was magical. That wasn't how she thought her first kiss with a boy—on the lips—would go. She wouldn't lie, she did imagine it like one of those fairytale-wake-the-princess-up-from-her-deep-slumber-true-love-meant-to-be-forever-kisses, but she'd never thought it would be this wonderful.

When they pulled away, Anne looked back up into his worried eyes. "Tell me, Anne, do you truly have feelings for me?"

Another moment of deafening silence, then Anne leaned forward and kissed him, even more passionately and leisurely this time. She smiled with a look that read, 'does that answer your question?'

The pair stood in the comfort of the silence for a while more, still holding each other before Gilbert glanced down at his watch. "Oh, shoot, it's 12. I've got to go," he said frantically, looking for the carriage.

"What?" Anne sputtered. "B-but you just got here! Where are you headed?"

"Toronto, UF of T," Gilbert smiled. "I'm going there to become a doctor."

Anne didn't want to cry, so she bit her lip and smiled. In truth, she was happy for him, just slightly sad for herself. "You'll be a great doctor."

He saw the sadness in her eyes and brought her hands to his lips, kissing her knuckles.
"Promise you'll write?" both of them pointed to each other at the same time and dissolved into giggles.

"I believe that I have a very nice fountain pen I still haven't used yet," Anne laughed. All too soon, the carriage had arrived, and so had Mr. Barry and-

"DIANA!" Anne squealed, running over and hugging her best friend. "I've missed you!"

"Can we be roommates?" Diana asked once they'd pulled away from their very long hug.

"Wait, so does that mean-"

"I'm going to Queens!" Diana finished the sentence for her favorite redheaded friend.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 | anne & gilbertWhere stories live. Discover now