iii. elizabeth bennett to my mr. darcy

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HONEYMOON WEEK went by quicker than either of them expected. Four Winds was a nice little town, and it wasn't that far from Avonlea or Toronto, just outside of Charlottetown. Relatives came to visit almost every week. Anne renamed their home "The House of Dreams" since that was exactly what the little cottage was. It was something right out of a fairytale and provided plenty of scope for the imagination.

Where do our beloved characters stand now? Oh, right. Gilbert's working in Toronto as a doctor, but he's not a country doctor. He's Dr. Blythe now but still prefers to be called Gil or Gilbert. (Not really one for formalities). He's made quite a few medical breakthroughs, and his number one supporter was Anne, likewise with her writing pursuits.

One autumn evening, Anne was out to get the mail like usual. She tossed them all on the table, but there was one envelope in particular that stood out to her.

to Mrs. Anne Blythe
338 Ingleside, Prince Edward Island

from the Willis Siblings Publishing Company
991 Main Street, Montreal, Canada

Wait...did the publishers in Ottawa want to see her book? Was this was she thought it was?

Dear Mrs. Blythe,

We hope this letter finds you well and in good health! These are the Willis twins, Alison and Marcus. We've heard about your novel and have been so fortunate to receive a copy from a colleague of your husband's, Dr. Blythe. After reviewing it, we have decided that we'd like to publish it if you'll permit it. If you want, you can come by our office anytime soon for a meeting. The address is right above.

Alison and Marcus Willis

They wanted to publish her story. Anne wanted to explode, as it seemed like all of her girlhood dreams had already come true. First, getting to act. Second, marrying someone she didn't know she loved but had all along. Third, having one of her stories published. Well, it hadn't come true yet, but it was very close to happening.

That night, when Gilbert got home, Anne told him the plan. "You sure I don't need me to take you?" he asked in concern, putting his hand on top of hers.

"I'll be fine, Gilbert, stop worrying. It's just a two-day trip, and Montreal is four hours away. I'll call you, I promise. I'll come back as soon as I can."

"You'll stay safe, right? I don't think I could bear it if I ever lose you again. It could be dangerous, I could take-"

He was cut off with Anne's lips on his. "I assure you, I'll be alright. You don't need to worry, I'll be back."

"In one piece, hopefully," Gil muttered under his breath.

"Are you suggesting I'm irresponsible, Gilbert John Blythe?" Anne pressed a hand to her chest in fake shock.

"No, I'm suggesting that you don't get in too much trouble," he answered. "If any dragons need slaying, call me."


The next morning, Anne woke up and saw the grandfather clock on the wall which read 9:00. Shit, she was already an hour late for the train!

Anne glanced at herself in the mirror and realized that she looked utterly, completely, absolutely wasted. Things had slightly heated up last night, and she'd carelessly forgotten about the trip. Gilbert had already left, but that wasn't a surprise.

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