I have something to tell you

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Percy and Andromeda had become friends since Percy helped Andromeda.

Andromeda didn't know that Percy was an Archaeus.

He wanted to tell her, days passed and he thought he should tell her.

He met with her near the Parthenon, (not at the Parthenon, since he wasn't like Poseidon,) as usual.

"Andromeda, I have something to tell you," Percy said

"What is it, Perseus," she asked

She calls him Perseus whenever she wants to annoy him.

"I am an Archaeus," he said calmly

"What, you mean like from those legends!" she asked

"Yes, exactly, I didn't tell you before so you wouldn't react like this." Percy 

Andromeda expected him to pour out of feelings, but all he said was that he was an Archaeus.

"So, my best friend is an Archaeus?" 

"Yah" he replied

"I don't mind that," she said

"So, you're fine with it?"


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