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"What kind of nauseating thing you want me to do..."

My mother said as she rubs her temples. I just stared at her and nothing else, I'm scared okay. Who wouldn't get scared if she's looking at me as if I'm the least thing she wants to see this day.

"Adopting a kid with unknown origins, a commoner from the slums at that. Do you have a death wish?" She snapped at me.

"Mother, please trust me--"

"Trust?! You?! Don't you think that I wouldn't know your plans?! I am your mother! I know what runs inside that brain of yours! Go and have a child with the Duke!"

I sighed loudly intentionally making her hear it.

"Oh my god Cressida! You have grown into a fine woman and the Duchess of this Kingdom! How can you open your mouth like that?!" She nag histerically.

"Mother, please, just this once help me out." She sighed and turn away her face from me, refusing to even glance at me.

"Don't beg for me, you should beg for your sister to do it. Who would adopt a child when she's a married woman capable of producing heirs?"

I smiled and waited patiently for my sister to arrive. Later on we heard the door opened, there entered a woman with a huge belly.

She's already pregnant so I need to be careful not to stress her up. She beamed at me which I returned with my biggest smile.


"It's good to see you Mother, Sister.."

She sat and we exchanged pleasantries.

"Sister, I have a favor to ask of you." I started and fiddle with my fingers. She smiled at me and urge me to speak.

"Can you adopt a child that I will introduce to you after a few days?" Her eyes glistens and smiled at me.

"Of course!" She beamed which made me and mother shocked.

"Pardon Marchioness Eldenbourg?" My mother.

"Yes? I am fine with that, and of course my husband will surely approve of it because I said so. So, Cress, is it a girl? It's a girl right?" I can see how excited she is.

"No, it's a boy, I will arrange a meeting with you tomorrow, I will pick him up after this."

"Is that so? Can I come and see the child?"

"No, it's risky to go to a slum with a pregnant woman."

"Hmm is that so, okay, I will just wait patiently until tomorrow comes."

I felt like a three boulder of rocks were lifted on my chest as I look at my pure innocent big sister. I clasp her hands gently and muttered thanks.

While on the other side, our mother is looking at us as if we have grown two horns in front of her.

"You two are surely insane." She said as she started to fan herself. We giggled and talked about a lot of things, most are about the child that I am about to introduce.

After a few hours, my maid, Jennie come and informed me that the Duke is telling me to go back early. I frowned but I cannot do anything because today is the contract signing.

"Well, it seems like I have to go now. I will come back with a good news sister." For the last time, I smiled at them, my sister bid me farewell while mother didn't even glance at me. She's mad.

On the way, we pass by the capital streets and I remembered that I need to change my clothes.


With a single word, the coachman stopped the carriage and then went down to assist me. He offered his arm which I accepted and went out of the carriage.

"My Lady?" Jennie.

"I remembered that I want to change my clothes." Her eyes sparkled and began to talk about the latest trend of clothes.

We went in and all of the staff line theirself at the entrance.

"We greet the honorable Duchess Cressida Ophelia Bizeviron."

I didn't pay any attention to them and they told me to follow them into a room. I sat on the sofa and handed me the catalogue.

I called Jennie to assist me. She pointed at so many things which I agreed on, all of the ones that she pointed at are good looking and it will look well on Cressida, but the price is too much, you can buy food for all the people in the slums with the price of one dress.

I got dizzy.

"Worry not My Lady, we can purchase all of the things you want." She comforted.

She was the one who talked to the staffs. I went to look around. This is a whole new world, a beautiful world. Here, there's no pollution unlike in earth. There's no car in this world so the air are still fresh. Everywhere my eyes lands on are calming, the smiling face of the people are refreshing to look at.

"My lady, everything is done, we can go back in the Duchy." I nodded at her and went back in the carriage.

When we arrived, Zehin greeted me at the entrance "Welcome back, My Lady. His Grace is waiting for you in his study." I nodded and followed behind him. He knocked and announced my arrival. Regan told me to come in and I did.

There he is handsomely doing some paperworks. I walk closer and settle down on the sofa near his study table. He told Zehin to prepare a snack for me. Zehin looks taken aback but didn't dare to question Regan's orders.

After a few minutes, he finally stand up and settle down on the sofa across mine.

"Here, the contract, I have already included my condition which left is yours."

I reached for it and started to read the whole contract. It said there that if ever I breach the contract, everything that I own will be the Bizeviron Duchy's property and I will be demoted into a commoner, worst, will be executed. Unconsciously, I touched my neck.

His conditions are fine with me Once I mistreated Calix it's equals to breaching the contract, if he found out that I am plotting something suspicious, it's equals to breaching the contract. And last but not the least, it's about the consummation nights. It is said here that it'll be every 2 times a month.

"The elders gave me a deal, they will not pester me about impregnating you if I sleep in your room 2 times a month."

I smiled.

"It's fine for me, now, I want to include my conditions."

I saw him adjusting himself on the sofa while looking intently at me.

"First, when Calix arrives at the Duchy, 2 months or a month after he arrive I will remain in the Duchy and perform my duties as the temporary Duchess. Second,  about the consummation night, I want you to just sleep."


"Yes, I want you to do nothing other than closing your eyes and breathe beside me during consummation night."


"Third, if ever I bear a child which is impossible. Promise me that you will never meddle with our lives, by that time both of us are already divorced anyways."

"What? That is impossible."

"It is not Your Grace, you chose Calix as your successor, that only means that you do not accept a child born between us. I accept that you do not accept a child from me, but my child is innocent. So I beg that you consider to leave both me and my child alone if ever we had one."

He was quiet, and I took it as a yes.


I Am The Evil DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now