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I gasped when I heard his voice. That can't be, I must be imagining things, there is no way that he's here...


But this time, I'm sure that it is not me imagining things anymore.

Slowly, I turn around. And there he is, my ex-husband, and the father of the child that I'm carrying inside me.

"W-What is the Duke doing here?" I tried not to tremble but it's no use. I don't know his purpose, he might have come to kill me when he found out that I was pregnant?

"No, you should go back to the Empire, this is not somewhere you should be. And please tell those men to sheathe their swords---"

"Let's go home..."

My eyes widened the moment he said those words.


"Let's go home... Cressida, everyone has been looking for you. Your sister has given birth and she wanted you to come back too."

I shook my head.

"No, I can not go back... I am of commoner status right now. I am nothing but a shame when I come back to the Empire."

"Says who? If anyone dared to insult you, in the name of Bizeviron, I will gladly cut their tongue off."

I tightly closed my eyes "Please go now, Your Grace..."

No one dared to speak. I also noticed that no one was around us anymore. I panicked when Mrs. Guila and Mr. Arya were nowhere to be seen.

I was about to look for them when Regan spoke.

"How could I leave you here when you're carrying my child..."

I looked at him and saw that he was staring at my belly. Unconsciously, I wrapped my hands around it and turn sideways.

"This is not Your Grace's child. This child is mine alone the moment I passed my letter of approval to the temple."

I can see how his hands bleed because of how tight his grip is.

"What should I do to make you come back home?" I raised my eyebrow at him. I heave a sigh before looking at him.

"There is nothing you can do. I am already a commoner and you should mind yourself because you're a noble. I am also no longer your wife."

He stepped forward, it caught me off guard so I started to step backward. But he was so quick that I didn't notice that he was already holding my wrist.

"I'm taking you home..."

My heart thumped so hard in my chest. Before I knew it, Regan stepped away the moment something struck him and a white barrier surrounded me.

I saw that the hand that held my wrist was badly injured.

"I-I didn't mean to do it---"

"It's not you. It's because of the contract..."

The contract? Does he mean the contract papers that we agreed on?

Third, if ever I bear a child which is impossible. Promise me that you will never meddle with our lives, by that time both of us are already divorced anyways.

That's right, I included that in my conditions on the contract...

"Now, I am being protected by the contract that we have agreed on. It's better if you go---"

I dropped my cape, as I stared at Regan. He's forcing his way inside of the barrier, his arms are being struck by something from the barrier.

"Stop it! You're getting hurt!"

I Am The Evil DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now