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The perfume that Czarina had used in the Imperial Palace, is a rare type of abortifacient from a foreign land known as Sullin Empire across the country.

Common abortifacient was either a drug or a liquid to swallow. But the abortifacient from the Sullin Empire was made into a perfume.

Sullin Empire is a country where polygamy existed, there could only be one Empress, three Queens and a bunch of Concubines. It is said that the perfume was created for the purpose of killing the children that the legal wives could bear. It was mostly used by the concubines. The contents of the perfume was quite hard to identify. So no one would ever suspect that it could be an abortifacient.

We don't know how she got that, but the most important thing is that she was held captive in the Imperial dungeon.

Regan have already asked His Majesty the Emperor to let him handle Czarina's crime, but the Emperor refused saying that noble's crime should be handle in the court of the Imperial ground.

Regan can't accept it, I could slowly feel that the Emperor is acting strange and somehow unreasonable.

In the Imperial Law, it is granted to let the house of the victim to handle the criminal, however, the Emperor's words are the Law above Imperial Laws. Meaning that every Imperial Law could be disregarded if the Emperor wishes for it...

On the other hand, as the victim of that vile woman, of course I would like her to get what she deserves. Be it life imprisonment, banishment... Or death penalty.

What she did is a heavy crime, attempting to murder a noble, the only Duchess of the Empire and the heir of the Dukedom.

I couldn't help but tremble as scenes started to play inside my head. I could still feel the pain that I went through as if it just happened yesterday.

The burning sensation from my lower abdomen, the warm blood that slowly paint itself on my inner legs. And the nightmare of losing my child.


I looked down and watched my son as he drink his milk. I heave a sigh of relief. He's okay now...

The more that I look at him, I noticed that he actually looks like me. His full lips, and the tiny mole under it. I also have it. His eyes were innocently seductive just like mine. The only thing he got from his father's face was his aristocratic nose.

I smiled in happiness as I watch him stare at me.

"Wife?" It's Regan.

I'm currently sitting on the rocking chair by the window, I turn my head to look at him.

"Did you go in the Imperial Palace again?" I asked. He just sighed and nodded.

"There's no use on doing it everyday Regan, the Emperor had already made his decision to handle the case."

He took big strides to come to me. He kissed my forehead before kissing Derrick's forehead as well.

"It might be because of my Aunt." I heard him grunt the moment he said Aunt.

I agree, the Empress had shown interest to Czarina, it's not impossible that she might be the one responsible for the Emperor's decision.

He sighed again. "I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

His eyes met mine and he held my arms in his.

"Well, you have suffered a lot because of my family."

"What do you mean?"

He could only smile bitterly as he caress my cheeks.

"You don't need to pretend that you don't know."

He's talking about the Empress.

The only relative he has is the Empress, while his uncle was demoted into a commoner and now he's living somewhere far and out of reach from the capital.

"Well that's what the other in-laws are." I chuckled, he just laughed and shook his head.

"Where's Calix?"

"He's with the Princess." I only nod. Whenever Calix go to the Princess' Palace, he would be accompanied by atleast 20 of the elite knight from the Duchy, of course I'm still worried but meeting his biological sister is a great happiness for him. I don't want to take that from him.


I looked at Regan, suddenly, he inserted his hands in the crook of Derrick's neck to his nape.

"Wait, I'm feeding him."

"It's time for daddy to be fed by mommy."


He laughed when I screamed at him "Calm down, I'm kidding."

He took Derrick from me, I could see that he gulped when his eyes wandered to my breast that Derrick had sucked on.

I hurriedly fixed my clothes and stood up and went to his side.

"Hmm uwaaah."

The baby whined but his father just laughed at his face.

"Your mother hates noisy kids." Regan said. Suddenly the baby stopped whining.

My eyes widened in shock.

"I have two rivals now." He said and kissed my forehead.

The baby frowned and swing his arms in front of his father "Aw you mad?"

I could only watch him in silence as he keep on teasing our child.

"What do you mean by two rivals?"

"Oh? It's this little devil and that Astaseul." I shook my head.

"Right, before I forget, when and where do you want him to hold his baptism?"

"Hmm if you're fine with it, can we have his baptism in the Temple?"

Baptism in this world was usually held in the chapel of each mansion. So naturally, Derrick would be baptized here in the Duchy. But after all that happened to me, I want him to be baptized in the Temple.

But baptism in the Temple requires a LOT of donation, so I'm kind of reluctant.

Regan smiled at me "Of course, if that is what you want. I'll ask the High Priest of the Temple to personally baptize him."

I think we won't get poor if we held our son's baptism in the Temple right?

No matter how expensive it is, I'm sure it'll be just a reasonable amount...

"We need to send them donations right? How many golds?" I asked.

"Hmm I think one million golds?"

That is like the Duchy's allowance for the next 2 years...

A/N: I take back my word I guess, I'm having a writer's block on that novel. So here you go


July 29, 2022

I Am The Evil DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now