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I have never mentioned before that the heroine of the novel is the young lady of Verena Barony, a vassal of the north.

Which means that she is a noble lady of a noble house. But the main question was how did she meet with my son?

I sighed which caught Regan's attention. It's been hours the time that Calix informed us about his first friend. Now, it's already night and it's time for me to sleep.

"It's story time~" Regan excitedly says before gently laying beside me.

He's been doing this for the past weeks, the North's library has been filled with children's book, and now the scholars inside the castle was silently complaining. That is what Jennie told me when she got some news from the other maids.

"Wait, before that. Don't you feel a little bit curious about our son's friend?"

He stopped and looked up as if thinking.

"He probably met that friend when he escaped to find you."

Ah, that is right. I remembered that Jennie mentioned that to me as well. That Calix searched for me at the boutiques we went to.

"I'm worried, I want to know that friend."

Probably he met her inside of the boutiques? But no matter how you see it. Nobody even wants to associate themselves with Calix because of his unknown background.

And the heroine? In the novel, she was raised preciously and strictly that it was rare for her to get a glimpse of the streets of the north. So how?

"Now, it's bad for you to stress yourself, and it's also bad for our little one."

I felt his warm hands creating a small circular motion on top of my belly. He kissed it before going back to my side.

"And now let's see what I have here for this little one."

Before he can open the book, a knock came on our bedroom door. I looked at him before shrugging my shoulders.

"Stay here."

He got up from the bed and went to the door to open it. From the bed, I saw him crouching down as if he picked up something from the floor.

When he came back, he was with our lovely child Calix.

"I-Is it alright for me to sleep with Mom and Dad?"

"Oh, sweety."

I adjusted my position on the bed and Calix went to the center. I put the blanket on his chest and fixed the pillow under his head.

"I hope to hear bedtime stories..." Calix fiddled with his fingers, I only smiled at him. Regan's eyes met mine, I nodded at him.

"Alright, you can always come here for bedtime stories."

I saw how Calix's eyes sparkled.

Regan went up on the bed to lay beside our son, then he opened the book before clearing his throat.

"The story is about Heart and Brain."

"One day, Brain heard a faint cry from somewhere, curious, he followed the sound and it lead him to Heart."

"Why is she crying? Brain asked himself before deciding to come forward to comfort the crying Heart."

"Heart? Are you alright? Brain asked. Though he was shocked when he saw the eyes of Heart glaring at him."

"It's you! You're always the reason why I'm always crying! How dare you ask if I am doing fine or not! Heart shouted."

"Brain was confused and asked. Me? Why me?"

"That only made Heart cry louder."

"It's because you're not doing your job at all, you always give me a wrong signal! Especially when it comes to someone I might be destined with! But everyone... They all left me... Broken and shattered to pieces... I can't take it anymore! I don't want to be hurt anymore!"

"Heart cried and ran away from brain."

"The next morning, Brain was sick in bed, slowly, he was dying. On his last breath, he said."

"I'm sorry for killing you Heart, I'll be there soon..."

"The end."

Usually, after a bedtime story, I would have already slept. But for some reason, the story only kept me awake.

"You're not sleeping?" Regan asked, I looked at him and nodded.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

I heaved a sigh before responding. "It's just why did Brain killed Heart?" I was serious while asking him but soon after I heard him laughing at me.

"Darling, it's just a bedtime story."

I glared at him before rolling my eyes. There's nothing wrong with asking! I'm just curious!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You're just so adorable." His hands were on my arms while gently rubbing them.

"Look, the book was written by a physician. It was about one of his patients. The patient has heart disease and he's on the verge of dying when one day, he told the physician that he's cured. Then a few days after, he was found dead. When his body was examined, the findings were his heart stopped when he left the hospital and came home."

I was staring at him.


"It is said that his brain killed his heart or his heart gave in."

My eyes widened Ohh

Our attention went to the child sleeping soundly between us. Calix is tossing and turning around.

"Nmmmgh. Asrid... I'll save you..."

Regan and I looked at each other...

I tried to pat Calix's thighs to help him sleep and it did work. I heard a loud clank and I frowned at Regan. He was looking for something inside the bedside table's drawer.

"I heard from the physician that a belly massage is good for the baby..."

He showed me a small jar of transparent cream. Unconsciously, I held my bump.

"It's safe, I'll kill the Archpriest if this doesn't work." He smiled.

I sighed and smiled back.

The transparent cream was warm and it feels good on my skin, the warmth of his hand was added too, it was calming the nervousness I feel.

While rubbing my belly, I noticed that his face was already close to mine, so close that our noses collided.

Drawing closer, almost there... When...


Our breath hitched when we heard Calix, we turn and looked at our child, sleeping like an angel.


Both of us laughed.

"Let's sleep now..." He helped me to adjust my position, and he also put the blanket on top of my chest.

"Goodnight... Regan."

For some reason, I suddenly became drowsy. I yawned and closed my eyes, but I heard that Regan said something when I have already fallen asleep.

"Goodnight wife... I love you."

June 10, 2022

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