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Author's Note: So, I received an offer. It's just like any other offer to move my novel in their platform and such. The pay was also good. Though what I wanted is to finish the novel first before signing a contract, but if I do that, I know that you guys would probably be disappointed. (I guess)

So what do you guys think?


"Is that woman with the delegation?"

I'm currently occupying a room in the Imperial palace, those damn nobles won't leave me alone and my Aunt told me to stay here and just wait for my wife to arrive tomorrow.

I couldn't say no since I am in the presence of that damn Emperor, tsk.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't find the woman. I also had the list of the entire delegation."

Hakeem handed out a list. The paladins and a... Priestess...

"A Priestess?"

"I went and disguised myself and she is not the woman you were looking for. The Priestess from Azalais have dark brown hair and black eyes."

Those traits are unusual. Moreover... Black eyes? It was unheard of...

Unless she's someone connected to Astaseuls? Or probably she's connected to the distant relatives of Astaseuls?

"I checked her background but it seems like she's not connected to anyone in Azalais, Master."

An illegitimate?

"There are no records of Illegitimate children from the distant relatives of Astaseuls."

I looked at Hakeem, it's good that I don't need to ask but it's weird if he keeps on doing that. He can't even read my thoughts.

Does my face says it all??

I got annoyed "Leave."


I pinched the bridge of my nose due to stress. This whole Azalais thing is suspicious no matter how much I think about it.

And that damn woman is adding up aswell. Did Azalais helped her escape? But if they did then we could've known.

And how?

During the time that she was put in trial, no one was present or has connection to Azalais. If they helped her, for what reason?

That woman is nothing but a count's daughter anyway...

She's nothing...

My head throbbed, I looked outside of the window and stared at the blue moon.

The sky is unusually calm and clear tonight...

Suddenly, a knock came from the door.

"Your Grace, Her Majesty the Empress calls for you." It is a maid of the palace. I didn't say anything and just stood up to get things done quickly.

I miss her...


"Nephew, it's nice to see you again after how you glare at me in front of His Majesty."

My Aunt Teyla Dayhelm smiled at me, her eyes forming like a gentle crescent moon.

Her grey eyes contains something that I couldn't decipher...


"I greet Her Majesty the Empress, Moon of the Empire."

"Enough with that, come and have a seat."

I did what she want and sat across her. Her face still have the smile that makes me annoyed and uncomfortable.

"So, tell me about him."

"Tell you about who."


"Oh... You mean my son?"

The smile on her face vanished in an instant.

My Aunt was resentful of the fact that Calix is my son, and that I don't have any thoughts of giving him to her.

"As you know, he's doing really well under my family's care, especially Cressida's, that child loves my wife dearly."

I can clearly see how my Aunt's eyes twitch in annoyance.

"Is that so? I was just thinking of inviting him tomorrow for the hunting festival, you see, Princess Calixia's engagement will be announce after the hunting competition. Tomorrow would be the last time that he'll be able to see his blood related sister."

She knew that I didn't allowed my sons to participate...

Usually, the children of the nobles would participate in these kind of events, to learn the ways of the nobles, to connect and to form a faction at their tender age.

But I never let Calix go to any kind of events, and he also doesn't want to do that. He understands his situation well...

"What are you trying to do this time..."

The Empress just smirked.

"Trying? Oh believe me, My nephew. I am not even doing anything yet. If you just gave that child to me, then I would've been more forgiving."

"You're out of your mind, Aunt. You know that by revealing his identity would put his life in danger. Not to mention yours aswell."

"Ha! I am the Empress! Who would be in their right mind to assassinate me!? No one! I am powerful! I am the greatest in this Empire! No one would dare to harm me and that child."

I scoffed.

"You talk big, when you weren't able to protect the princess."


If I didn't have fast reflexes, that flying tea cup would have landed and crashed on my face.

"How dare you..... Mention my daughter in front of me..."

I stood up from my seat and glared at the Empress.

"You wouldn't like it if I play your game, Aunt. Don't do anything to us... Or I will make sure you regret it."

Before I close the door of her guest room, I heard how she screamed.

After the birth of the Prince years ago, the Empress became pregnant again and gave birth to a Princess. However the Imperial family received an oracle from the Temple.

The Princess has divine power. It was unusual because my Aunt doesn't have any divine power, since she is an illegitimate child of my grandfather.

On the 1st birthday of the Princess, she was kidnapped...

No one knew where the Princess had gone to...

It was as if she was not there to begin with. With that, the whole Empire quickly forgot about her existence.

But as the saying goes.

A mother, never forgets.

Her disappearance left nothing but regret, bitterness and longing in the Empress' heart...

It was all due to her negligence that the Princess is nowhere to be found.

"Your Grace."

My heart leaped for a second when Hakeem suddenly showed up in front of me. With creased eyebrows I answered him.

"Don't do that, what is it?"

"I apologize, I just wanted to report suspicious movements from the delegation."


"Yes, the Priestess was said to be missing."

Who cares...

"Is that so leave them be."

"But my divine beast reported that the priestess is headed to the Duchy..."

October 8, 2022

I Am The Evil DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now