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Dahlia Bridgestock didn't want to be at the academy. She had begged her mother and father, but they had both forced her to come to this dusty muck as she had named it. Her sister, Ariadne Bridgestock, would much rather be in her place.

Ariadne preferred getting her hands dirty and doing work rather than being a trophy wife. While being a Shadowhunter, a race of nephilim warriors, knowing how to fight came as a job requirement, her parents'd rather Ariadne stay at the institute and train. So they set Dahlia to Shadowhunter Academy, home of the most stupidest race of magical humans possible.

The Herondales were coming this year though, it was everywhere. Well all the girls were gossiping about it, Dahlia has simply.....eavsdropped.

The audacity people had to put her in a academy of half minded buffulos was astonishing. 

Dahlia was snapped back to reality by the sound of a horse, and two head of raven black hair. 

Both men, Dahlia noticed, were handsome in their own way. The younger boy had startling gold eyes, like pools of gold. The other man had blue eyes, like violets.

William Heorndale and his son, James Heorndale.

Every woman, well Shadowhunter, would be mesmerized by William Heorndale. Always going, 'Oh, Mr. Herondale!'  

Dahlia never understood why everyone was obsessed with the Herondales. Sure they were good looking, but that was  never a reason to hound someone. It felt wrong, or like an intrusion.

Mr. Herondale was talking with Dean Penhallow while his son, James, was looking at the crowd nervously.

Dahlia was exactly what his eyes portrayed a few minutes ago, that was before her mother had told her; "Dahlia, chin up shoulders straight. Respect and dignity my child." 

So Dahlia was forcing down her fears and staring straight ahead her eyes a void of emotions, or so she hoped.

She watched as the Herondale boy walked to a group of guys, one had violet eyes that were dazed and clouded. One was rather short, and the blonde one was talking about somthing his eyes lit and his hands a flurry of gestures. Dahlia was intrigued so she, as any curious person would, walked up to the small group of boys.

"Hello." James was saying as she neared them. Dahlia bit her lip, and let go quickly remembering her mother chatisizing her for doing so earlier.

She was suddenly very hesitant to go talk to them, she wasn't the most social of people. She had never had friends, she wondered what it was like to have a friend.

She decided to lay back and watch the boys, she watched them as James left to a part of the crumbling building.

She decided to simply stay in her dorms, hoping to Raziel no one would notice her absence. No one did of course.

She did leave her dorm to go to dinner, unable to find anywhere to sit she sat with the four boys from before.

The blonde head, Dahlia recgonized from up close, was Matthew Fairchild. The consul's son.

She didn't know the other two boys, she wasn't exactly keen on it either.

Matthew narrowed his eyes at her, "Hello." he said

Dahlia tried to offer him a smile, "Hello, I'm so terribly sorry for sitting here unannounced, I had no where else to sit and it does seem rather awkward to simply stand in the middle of the room."

Matthew shrugged turning his attention to a glass of water, and James.

They were all talking, as if they were the best of friends, despite only knowing each other for a few hours. James didn't seem to pleased though, he seemed rather angered at Matthew.

Dahlia couldn't blame him, Matthew was infuriating.

She hadn't exactly warmed to Matthew yet, he didn't seem like he was interested on doing so anytime soon.

After a few minutes James stormed away, Dahlia watched him leave her blue eyes wide.

James seemed like a calm boy from what she had observed, something really dreary must have made him quiet mad.

Her eyes flickered over to Matthew who was scowling. Dahlia realized he didn't like her very much now. He was also probably blaming her for James storming away.

She looked down at her food debating whether to go or not. Matthew Fairchild made that decision for her.

"I don't think I like you very much, Dahlia Bridgestock." said Matthew angrily. Dahlia smiled at him, trying not to show her hurt.

"Well, Matthew Fairchild, I'll do you one better. I think I hate you." Dahlia hissed, getting from her seat and left the room which was dead silent after witnessing the Inquistor's daughter insult the Consul's son.

And I will hate you for as long as I live. Dahlia thought angrily.

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